The lost butterfly dango

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Fluttering softly, drenched in blood, please someone help, as the cobwebs strangle me tighter, leaving droplets of blood to drip from my skin.

I was used as a sacrifice for the Gods that my region believed in. My grandma was the previous sacrifice and since my father was a strong believer I didn't have a choice, I was to do the temple dance at exactly 6 that afternoon, after that I would be delivered to the Gods, and worse of all I couldn't get out of it, this was my fate, It was decided since the day I was born that at the age of 16 I'd be a sacrifice for the Gods, I was told that it was an honour and I'd have a lovely time with it, but my mother who strongly opposed of it, had told me it was horrible and that they are taking my life so that I'd never see her or anyone again, but no matter what she told me, I couldn't get out of it, I couldn't run away. A part of me wondered why I was born with such a fate the other half just accepted it. My curiosity also played a big part of this, I wanted to find out what it was like to be a sacrifice what would happen. Was is truly that bad? I had about three hours left before the ceremony started as I paced back and forth wondering what I should do, the question stirred up in my head, Did I want to be the sacrifice? Will I really save everyone if I do? I could always run away... but I knew I couldn't be self centred, what if everyone dies because of me?  

Dango Daikazoku (Clannad Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ