The lime green dango

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Blood red dango had invited me to come over to stay with her in her holiday house that summer. but what I didn't know was how many things could happen in just one holiday...

The days drain by the summer sun, on August 15 around 12:30 pm there was no cloud above my head and the sun was shining down. I though what a pretty day, but I was soo sick of this summer heat. I just can't beat away the haze the sun keeps giving rays. I'm just spending all my time having conversations sitting next to the Blood red dango. As we sat in silences swinging on the swings she annouce "Hey but I.. don't really like the summer time. ' I sat there astonished at what she had to say, but before I could speak up the black cat that she was patting ran away, as she quickly jumped and ran after it. without having second thoughts I followed them.

The cat ran across the bridge, pass the perfectly lined up tress and crossed the road. Blood red dango ran after it without thinking or looking at where she was going and the consequence of that was...

Just as she made it half way across the road jumping right in front of a traffic light that was now red

Crashing in and breaking her to bits, the truck screech to a stop as it heard a scream, but it was just a second to late.

Blood was dripping everywhere and chocking her smell of hair. I struggled to gasp in a breathe of air, I just couldn't take it. 

Questions started to make there way up. 'Are these lies?' I don't know cause the heat was mocking me.

As I heard laughing from somewhere in the distant a voice called out to me, and said "what you see is exactly what you're gonna get!" 

I looked around there was the big blue sky and all I heard where cricket cries before I fell into a dark sleep...




Siting up in my bed, I could hear ticking clock.

The shock had mocked my ever ringing head, it was spinning round and round.

As I look to see the time.

August 14th at 12 something noon  there was no cloud above my head and the sun was shining down. Was It all a dream? I ask myself as I heard crickets cry, singing loudly in my head.

I begun to wander round, when I saw blood red dango siting swinging on the swings.. no cat.. so it was a dream. I went down to sit on the swings next to her.. "Hey, I really have to wonder why, cause in the dream I had last night, we sat in the same old park we are siting at now.." there was deep silence between us as a black cat wandered past blood red dango got of the swings and began to ran after the cat which was now running away

Just like last night's dream.. I began to ran after them but this time I got her "Hey i think the two of us should leave.." she looked at me puzzled as I dragged her away. we were stepping slightly off the path, as our heads turned up towards the sky. As we were gaping, pointing, struggling to keep away scream.

Stabbing holes and splitting you in two. The Beam came down from above and clashed , ringing old wind chimes and crashing  into a few other stuff before it hit those park tree and fell on top of you.

I asked myself again as I looked at your squashed body. "Are these lies?" The heat was mocking me. As I saw the black cat siting just on the other side, a voice cried out to me again but this time it said "Bet you wish you were asleep but it's not a dream!"

My vision had blurred away and pushing my thoughts way. I swear just when you died you had a dark smile.




I woke up again to find it was August 15th, This time I'll make it right! I ran to where you were and without hesitation pulled you away and ran.

As we reached the bridge, I let go of your hand to catch my breath when out of the corner of my eyes I saw the black cat again, and when I turned around, you had already fallen off the bridge. I looked down as I saw your dead body.. but you held a dark smile..


The days began to repeat itself, august 14th, august 15 then back to 14. each time you would die a different way and there was no way of stoping your death, it was like, it was your fate to die.

Endlessly I see the over heated haze where you keep on dying, and again the laughing will repeat on through the days.

You've now been dying for the past 10 years. 

We're trapped in cycles and the end is never clear. But this story is like any story and has an ending to tell. Today's the day I will change fate!

Far away and beyond that scorching summer day..

Crashing in and hitting me instead of you, i pushed you aside to nearly dodge a truck, Blood dripping everywhere and chocking my smell of hair, you breathe in a gulp of air and just can't take it!

 Are these lies? I haven't heard the voice say, "what you see is exactly what you're gonna get" so maybe this summer day has finally gone away, but that's all I'll say, so this is where it ends now! 

I realise if I couldn't change her fate then I'll change mine. But there was one thing. I wanted both of us to be alive, but I guess, you can't save both.. If that's the case then I'll choose to die..

August 14th at 12:30 noon a girl sits alone on a bed awake repeating just the same. 

Muttering again....

"Guess I failed to save him again.." as she sat alone crying...

and held..

a black cat in her arms..

The end..

Dango Daikazoku (Clannad Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now