The blood sucking vampire dango

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*Lighting Flashed*


I sighed, I tried again.


Nope that wasn't right, it didn't sound right.

Daddy was right I was a no good Vampire dango. I wouldn't dare to drink anyone's blood or kill anyone. That just wasn't right. I don't even know why I was born to be a vampire dango, I don't even know how to be one.

My life as a vampire dango sucked. 

The door swang open and in walked my big brother the vice head to vampire dangos. He walked up and smacked me hard in the face. I held my hand up to my face hurt and shocked. "You're a disgrace to our family's name, hanging around and being friendly with other dangos. What stupidity!" He yelled right in my face. I hold back trying not to cry or he would hit me again. He glared coldly at me, but finally gave up and left.

I knelt down to the floor nearly in tears. why does it always end up like these?

I do one act of kindness and suddenly I'm treated badly. Does this world not know my pain?

A picture of my mum's smiling face poped into my mind. I miss her soo much, my life would have been soo much better if she was in it. I had lost my mum since I was little, after that my life seem to have faded into, well... nothing. It was as if my mum had drained out my soul and taken it with her, to heaven or where ever she is.

I gave a sigh as I picked myself up. Big brother would have prob told dad by now *sigh

I glance up at the ceiling hoping for something amazing to happen which I doubt..

If only something could happen right now that would change how my family works...

I sat there still faced up at the ceiling hoping.. hoping for a change.


A sudden sound joint me up from my dreaming.

Oh dad must be home Yay!!! (not)

A loud booming voice rang from outside.

"Come here right this instant you two scrum bags! I thought I told you two idiots that I needed dinner straight after work! Come here you good for nothing brats!"

I heard my brother race out of his room, preparing dad's meal.

I might as well go say hi..

"gee hello dad welcome b-back.. I'll go make you blood tea.."

"Stop right there you dirty little fool!"

I turned around quickly so dad wouldn't have to yell at me for being too slow

"I'm feeling quite hungry today, and I heard you were being little miss goodie two shoes today, with some people you call friends? am I correct?"

"Y-Yes father.."

"Good, keep being friends with them"

Me and my big brother turned to look at him

"WHAT?? Are you telling her to be friends with people, dad what about our family name what about.."

My brother questioned 

"Don't question me!, now.."

he turned to me

"keep being friends with those brats but when the time comes.. I'll feed of their blood and suck down every.."

"DAD! You can' do that please dad please rethink this please!" I begged 

he smiled ^_^ "we'll see"

I ran out of the room, I had enough I can't let dad hurt my friends.

3 years later

"On this breaking news update

It seems Mr. blood sucking vampire dango died from suicide

no one knows what caused him to do that and no one knows why."

That was the tenth time I've watched the news about dad' suicide.  I laugh evilly to myself, I guess being a vampire dango isn't that bad, though..

My brother seems reasonably quite these days, I wonder why, I mean I didn't mean to kill dad, it was either him or my nice friends, and there wasn't much of a choice. I never thought I'd say I wanted my brother to at least talk with me more, If he's not doing teh house work or cookign for me, he's locked up in his room, I wonder what he could be scared of? I mean 

Are you scared?

Dango Daikazoku (Clannad Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें