Chapter 4

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They returned the pillows and blankets to their floor, then threw the empty beer bottles in the recycling before leaving their now drunk team to have fun without them. They exited the building together, but Clint walked the roundabout way back, so Natasha was stuck walking alone. Not that she minded, but she would rather walk with her fiancé (even thinking the word gave her butterflies in her stomach, though she would never admit it) than alone.

When Natasha returned home, she sat on the couch and watched tv until Clint came home. She was only half watching the dramatic sitcom that happened to be on for a few minutes before she sensed that someone was behind her. She knew it was Clint, and tried to hide her smile and pretend that she didn't notice him sneaking up behind her. She "checked" her phone by putting her head down and taping random apps on the screen, allowing Clint to move to her right in front of the couch. She turned towards him just as his face was a foot away from hers. When Tasha moved that space turned into inches and they smiled at each other.

"Did I get you?" Clint asked, not moving an inch.

"You were close, babe." Tasha said, smiling sweetly. Clint gave her a confused look.

"Since when do you call me 'babe'?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"Since you became my fiancé." She grinned, and he grinned back, finally leaning in for a kiss.

After their kiss, Clint sat down next to Tasha and turned his attention to the tv. He handed Nat the remote, allowing her to pick a show other than the sitcom before laying down on the couch. He kept his hand on her hip, making circular motions with his thumb on her hip bone under her shirt. Once she was satisfied with the show, Scorpion, she laid down in front of Clint, her head tucked under his chin and his arm around her, gently keeping her against his chest.

They watched two and a half episodes before Natasha started to fall asleep. By the time the third episode was over, she was sound asleep in Clint's arms. A small smile was on her lips as she dreamed a good dream, for once. Clint smiled, knowing that she only had good dreams once on a blue moon, literally.

As the fourth episode started, he debated on whether or not to move her into their bedroom. They would be more comfortable on the bed, yet there was the risk of turning her rare good dream into an all too common nightmare if he moved her. He finally decided to take the risk and move her after the episode was half over. Clint slowly and carefully sat up and shut the tv off, then gently picked Nat up bridal style to carry her to the bedroom. She instinctively wrapped one arm around his neck, and put the other on his chest while leaning her head on his shoulder.

The position she put herself in reminded him of their last mission, where Nat had been shot in the rib cage at almost point-blank range. Clint had to carry her a mile to their safe house, all the while hoping and praying that she wouldn't bleed to death on the way there. He shook his head slightly to get rid of the memories of his love almost dying in his arms.

He carefully carried her into their bedroom, then gently set her down on the bed. Since it was a cool night, Clint silently grabbed an extra blanket from the closet. After taking off his shoes, he laid down in front of Nat, pulling her against his chest and placing the blanket over both of them. She nestled her face into his neck almost instinctively, and he buried his face into her fiery hair. And with one last smile on Clint's lips, he too fell asleep.

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