Chapter 9

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The next morning, the two assasins slept in as neither of them wanted to go to work. S.H.I.E.L.D. would call if something came up.

Natasha woke up first because of the stream of sunlight lighting up the room from the window. She loved watching Clint sleep, when he was completely relaxed. She loved the way his hair stuck up in odd places, the way his shirt rode up to reveal his muscular stomach, the way he held her while asleep - protective and loving, like she was a fragile bird he did not want to crush.

She laid there for a moment, staring at him before he stirred and opened his eyes. "Morning, Tasha," he said, and God she loved the way his voice sounded in the morning. Natasha kissed him, smiling. She was actually happy for once, free from the weight of her emotions.

"We're getting married," she whispered, grinning at him and letting the words sink in. He smiled back, happy to see her happy.

"Yes we are," he whispered back, pulling her in for a kiss.

They ended up at the Tower later that day after eating breakfast. Clint bought Natasha and himself coffee on the walk over, and for once they acted like a couple instead of total strangers. Only now that they were in public, Clint wore a black baseball cap and Natasha wore sunglasses to semi-disguise themselves.

Upon entering the Tower, they were greeted by Thor and Tony, who immediately started asking things like where they were for the last few days because "we haven't seen you guys in forever!" Clint - to Natasha's relief - made up some story about how he got sick and gave it to Natasha on a short mission. Tony then proceeded to lecture them about cutting the camera wires for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"If you don't want us to cut the wires, then you shouldn't put cameras everywhere." Natasha said, cutting Tony off mid-speech.

"The cameras are for safety and so that I know what goes on in this tower," Stark retorted.

"And that's exactly why we cut the wires," Natasha muttered.

"Also," Tony continued, acting like she never spoke, "is that a thing now for you two? Saying 'us' instead of 'me' or 'we' instead of 'I'? Cause that's couple-y shit. And for the record, you two-"

"Okay, I'm going to go find Steve to spar with him," Natasha said, walking away from Tony and Clint, who looked amused, but she could tell that inside he was mortified.

And to be honest, she was too.

Natasha managed to avoid Tony for the rest of he afternoon, until he suggested an "Avengers dinner." Clint, who Natasha had been texting most of the day, was dreading going, and so did Natasha. They would rather be at home, making dinner for themselves with a movie to watch after. But they decided to stay, mostly because Tony was right in saying that the rest of the avengers hadn't seen the duo in a few days.

Everyone was at the dinner - Tony, Thor, Jane, Pepper, Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Sam, Rhodey, Pietro. Tony had somehow gotten one of the top chefs in New York to cater the dinner, and it was filled with a mix of exotic and comfort foods. Natasha could tell that the only people who really wanted to be there were Tony, Pepper, and Thor. (Everyone else had better things to do but didn't want to say anything.) As a result, no one really felt like talking, but Tony managed to keep the conversation going and even coaxed some words out of Natasha, at which Clint looked impressed.

"C'mon, let's go," Clint said with a devious grin once the dinner was over and everyone was cleaning up. Natasha smiled, following him to the elevator. To the couple's relief, no one noticed them leave.

They got to the elevator, and Natasha hit the button for their floor. Tony had designated everyone their own floor of the tower, and as a joke he put Natasha and Clint on the same floor. Neither of them really wanted to move, and now they planned to knock down the wall separating their halves of the floor to make the whole floor accessible to both of them.

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