Chapter one

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Kitsune's pov

I was walking threw the woods that's was rumoured the slenderman woods, I of course didn't believe it cause it was just someone that wanted to scare people. why should I believe such fantasy?, well I'll tell you why it's because I have never seen the point to believe something that I can't see and that's what I always thought and always will or so I thought.

I got home and went to the lounge seeing my brother on his laptop writing a resume for a job which I think is cool considering his dream is to make new horror games. "Hey Kyle how is your resume going" I asked curiously sitting beside him.

"Ok but can you get me some orange juice? I'm thirsty" Kyle sighed, parched from typing all day.

"Of course bro" I grinned then ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass cup out and walked to the fridge and pulled it open and grabbed the orange Juice out and poured it in the glass making it nearly spill and then I went and put the orange juice back in the fridge and went back to the lounge and carefully placed the glass full of orange juice on the coffee table.

"There you go bro" I smiled then ran to my bedroom which was up stairs but before I did my brother thanked me.

I was laying on my belly drawing myself while listening to animal I have become by three days grace. After I finished my drawing I notice I put ears and a tail on myself by accident, "Shit, well I screwed that up but then again it looks cool" I complimented my drawing pleased with it then shove my sketch book in my bag for school tomorrow and then heard my brother shout my name and said something that made me rush down stairs tripping a few times, I'm clumsy ok.

"Oh your here I thought I would have to starve you kit" my father joked and chuckled.

"You wouldn't dare" I glared playfully and sat at the table with the chicken meat in the middle as I was going to grab the only drumstick, only for my had to be wacked on the hand by my one and only brother I glared at him and he grabbed the drumstick and ate it I growled and pounced on him.

"Owe!!" My brother shrieked as I pinned him down tickling him.

"Say sorry!!" I laughed at him evilly and kept tickling him.

"NE NEVAHAHAHA!!!" he screamed trying to fight his laughter but then suddenly he coughed up blood and I felt something wet so I looked down and saw blood and a large and deep cut in my brothers stomach and I stood up and stepped far away from his half dead body cause of loosing to much blood.

"H how did this happen did I do this" I cried out I then saw my dad in front of me and he hugged me tight but then his grip let go of me and I felt blood on my shirt and my fathers body fell and went limp as well as my brother and I knew they were dead and that I killed them, I killed my only reason to exist my brothers never going to have his dream job and my father isn't going tease me because there both gone forever and I will be all alone I thought to my self and collapsed to the ground crying and screaming, "why did this have to happen why!!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs but knowing no one is awake.

-5 hours later-

I Was sitting in my bedroom looking at my bag for school and decided that if I stay I'll be put in jail, so I yanked my bag over to me then threw everything out except my pencil case and my sketch book knowing I want to keep them and I took my laptop and placed in my bag along with my iPod and purse and I grabbed a few hoodies, singlet/shirts and pants also few pairs of undergarments and shoved them in my bag then saw at the corner of my eye my phone on my desk and grabbed it and put it on my bed and took a hoodie from my bag and put it on and put the hood up covering my face. I walked down stairs and saw a couple of police officers around the house so I hid behind corners till I got to the kitchen and quickly grabbed the sharpest kitchen knife and cover a polices mouth and whispers in there ear shhh don't worry I'm here then slitted there throat and ran up the stairs and saw another police officer in my roomand mumbled " well this is crap"then I did same thing I did to the other one, I put my black gloves on then put the knife in my hoodie pocket as well as my phone and I put my headphones on and plugged it into my phone and started to listen to black veil brides and grabbed my bag an slid it onto my shoulder and jumped out my bedroom window and landed safely on the ground with my knees bent and my fist on the ground holding my weight so I don't fall on my face I stood up normally then started to sprint away from the house I use to call home and not planing to go back even If I want to I can't cause the police will catch me and that wouldn't be good so I'm just going to hide in the woods and go to the old cabin me and my brother use to play in its the only place I know people rarely go to, I'm not going to need friends to die either or I'll feel worse. I wish I had my family back I went through the forest and saw the cabin and went in it and curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out and I slowly past out.

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