Being pregnant

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You were 7 months pregnant with yours and Nathan's baby, you didn't know the sex as you didn't want all the cliche' gifts, Eg- Pink for a girl, Blue for the boy, plus you thought it'd be a nice surprise also. You waddle down the stairs as the smell of food was making you involuntarily sniff the delicious goodness and make your cravings kick in, you reach the kitchen to see your hunk of a husband standing by the stove cooking you your favourite foods of all time, pancakes and bacon, he Senses your presence an turns around and looks at you with adoring eyes. "Hey, I thought you'd be hungry so I cooked you your favourite." He smiled with his pearly whites. You shuffled over to him and wrapped your arms around his free arm and lent against his shoulder whilst he finished off your bacon, you couldn't resist slightly squeezing his muscular and toned arms, just for fun, he turned to you and raised his eyebrow and smirked "You alright there?" He laughed "Yeah" you reply innocently "Ok then, anyway your stuffs ready, go to the living room and once I've plated up I'll bring it in." He ordered and kissed the tip of your nose.

You go to the living room and sprawl across the sofa laying on your back with the arm rest supporting your head by tilting it up slightly, a minute later Nathan walks in, places your feet on his lap and playfully balances the ate on your growing bump, and surprisingly succeeds.

You smirk and shake your head jokingly, you take the plate and eat the food whilst Nathan speaks " I can't believe in only two months, we're gonna be parents, it's crazy!" He says excitedly, in two minutes flat, you finish your food am hand the plate back to Nathan, he looks back shocked " Did you eat that or Hoover it?" He replies sarcastically, you reply " Yea I did, I'm surprised you didn't burn it, now go make me some more chef Nathan!" You wink cheekily. He exasperates knowing you were joking and goes back to the kitchen to make more food for his princess and unborn and soon to be bundle of joy.

Oh god remind me never to do that again😶 comment if you want, how crazy is it it's 31 degrees (C) in England..... ITS A MIRACLE!!! Does anyone else have to break down really long words to work out how to spell them? Or am I the only loser who still has to do that? 😥 Anyway.... comment or do whatever you want... I don't mind ☺️ THANK YOU

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