The build up

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You and Nathan had been going out for a year now, it has been the best year of your life, meeting him, going out on dates, him asking you out, going on trips all over the world, it had been magical, but there was one thing that you two hadn't done together. You hadn't slept together. It wasn't that you didn't want to it was just that you never felt ready as you were still a virgin.

You loved how patient Nathan had been and how well he had treated you, thinking upon this you decided that you would give back something to him by letting him take you. You trusted him with your life, so you trusted him to be gentle.

You ran upstairs and found your sexiest underwear to make a good 'first impression' (if you get what I mean 😏)
You got dressed in an sexy/elegant dress, kind of showy but left a bit to the imagination.

You looked at the clock guessing at what time Nathan should be back, but he must of known you were thinking about him as his car started to pull up the drive.

Your heart started beating rapidly wondering whether you were really ready to give yourself up to the person that you loved. You were.

Nathan walks through the door casually not expecting a thing. "Hi Hun, I'm home" you stood in the living room and watched him walk in and up to you. " hi" you smile. You give him a long hug and lean out but with your arms around his neck and his hands snugly on your waist. You stare into his glistening eyes and slowly start to lean in, your lips linger on his for a few seconds and pull away. Thinking that's all he's getting, as that's how it's always been, you lean in again and slowly but slightly roughly move our lips in-sync with his, he seems quite taken back at first but gets used to it and kisses you back with as much passion and force.

You pull back first breathlessly. Teasing him. Making him want more. He's still stood there, eyes closed, lips slightly pouted. He becomes focused again and looks at you with a smile. "What was that for?" He asks happy he got a little more from you. You're certain that if he liked that the next two words will send him over the edge.

"I'm ready" you say, trying to sound seductive.

He slivers his hands from your waist round to your back pulling you closer to him, " you sure (Y/N)?" He asks making sure that you're sure. "Yes" you say simply. He takes your soft hand in his and gently guides you to the bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom, he kisses you softly but passionately and slowly removes your clothes and his own, he steps back slightly and admires your choice of underwear, he smirks "you've really thought this through haven't you?" You giggle quietly "yeah..."

SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG, honestly I started college in September and literally had no time what so ever. But I've seen a couple votes and likes on my other imagines, not many but I'll take 'em 😂thank you.

I don't know whether I should do a part two to this one 'cos I feel a little uncomfortable doing sex scenes but we'll see 😉

But yeah, comment, like, vote or just read your choice 😊


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