Ivypool's Destiny episode 1

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Scene 1
(Ivypool is in a lonely meadow)

Ivypool: Hawkfrost? Hawkfrost!? Where are you!?

(Hawkfrost appears)
Hawkfrost: Looking for me?

Ivypool: (relieved) Hawkfrost!

Hawkfrost: You ignored all of my training. It was like I wasted all this time on a lost cause. To think, me, spending countless moons searching for the right one to take on as an apprentice. I spent all that time preparing lessons, but alas, it was all for nothing. *turns and begins to walk away*

IP: Hawkfrost, wait! Please stop! I was lost in the heat of the battle! Please! Just give me one more chance!?!?!?

HF: Give me one good reason why I should.

IP: Because... because... because... because I would be the best cat you ever trained! I would listen and take on boarf everything you would say! I can run, climb, fight, hunt, and I'm learning how to swim!!!

HF: I said one.

IP: But there's more than one reason why!!!

HF: Fine then. One more chance.

IP: *runs over and touches muzzle to Hawkfrost's muzzle* Thank you.

Scene 2
(Dovewing leans over IP's body)
DW: Somebody help her! She's not waking up and she's barely moving!!!

(Toadstep runs over)
TS: She can't be dead!!! *his pelt touched IP's*

DW: You really care about her, don't you?

TS: *nods*

DW: My sister. Always the better hunter, better fighter, better coper. If anyone can survive, it's her.

TS: *nods again*

Scene 3

IP: *pants*

HF: Come on Ivypool! This isn't hard.

IP: *collapses* *sobs* I'm sorry.

HF: *walks over* It's okay if it's hard. *touches muzzle to Ivypool's*

IP: No it isn't. This is my destiny. I can't fail, I just can't!

HF: You won't fail. I'm sure of it.

Scene 4
DW: *Wails* Jayfeather, help her!!!

TS: *Whispers* she's too young to join StarClan.

Jayfeather: She won't. Let me wake her. *sleeps*

Scene 5
(Jayfeather appears and sees Ivypool just a little too close to Hawkfrost. Hawkfrost whispers something and Ivypool laughs)

Jayfeather: (disgusted and worried) Ivypool! Come back to ThunderClan, NOW.

IP: *gasps*

JF: *grabs her and they wake up*

Scene 6

IP: *sobs* He's not! He's a good cat and I love him!

Voice of HF: I love you too. Don't let him stand in our way. This is your destiny, not his.

JF: *growls* Don't you EVER go there again. *turns and walks off*

IP: Hawkfrost and I are meant to be. Just us, alone. This has nothing to do with Jayfeather, nothing.

(Toadstep is outside. He gasps and runs out of camp. Dovewing watches him go. She had heard.)

DW: *whispers so that nobody can hear* you can't help who you fall in love with.


Honeyfern: AAAAAAAND... CUT!

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