Part 26

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Andys Pov

There was a hole in the wall by Ashley's door. Wonder what his problem is? A thought crossed my mind that I had to push back very quicly. There is no way I could do that to Clary. We could still get together but I just wouldn't turn her into a vampire. But than I'll watch her get old and die. Stupid humans, why don't you have immortalty. But than again, some of them are very annoying and do not deserve immortality. Loud music starts blasting from Ashley's room. Ok I definitly have to check on him.

I open the door and the music hurts my ears. We have super hearing why in the world does he need it so loud. My eyes widen as I look around his room. There are holes everywhere in the walls. And Ashley is just sitting there on his bed looking at the ceiling. I know not to mess with Ash when he is like this. Its not the first time that he has punched a bunch of holes in the wall. The last time he did this was when he finally got into a real commited relationship and the girl cheated on him. I slowly backed out of the room while I hear Ashley mumbling you ruined it all over and over again.

 He couldn't be talking about me right? I didn't do anything wrong. Unless... No there is no way. He couldn't. Shes not his type. There is no way that he likes Clarissa more than he should. I would go talk to him about it but he walls wouldn't be the only thing he'll punch. And I'm still wondering where my journal went. Its odd how I remember putting it in the Library. Just for the fun of it I go back into the library to look for it. Oh what a surprise. There it was. In the same spot  where I have looked a couple weeks ago and it wasn't there. I picked it up and it smelled a lot like Ashley's colongne. Why would his scent be on it? Why would he want to read it anyway. I look through the pages and see the tiniest bit of read on the edge of the paper. I smelled it. That was Clarissa alright. Ashley must have given her the journal and tried to cover up her scent with his. Clever. But foolish. He should have known I would have figured it out. But if that little bit of blood was there I would have most likely blamed ashley for it and hed be punching more holes in the walls.

I sat in the chair by Clarissas bed pretend reading my Journal. When she woke up, she had a very guilty look on her face.

"Its such a good book isn't it?"

"I don't know what youre talking about,"

"Come on don't play dumb with me some of your blood was on the page,"

She looked very confused for a second.

"Stupid paper cut" And she looked at her finger.

"You could have just asked to read it,"

"And you could have been a lot nicer to me at the time to so lose lose situation."

I tried to think of something smart to say but I had nothing.

"Alright well im not completely mad at you, But that would explain all those times you said something smart to me and id get very mad."

"I was trying to figure you out, when I read the journal I saw how the change, changed you. How you were very angry at Juliet. Thats why I wasn't surprised that she showed up that one night,"

"wait how did you know that"

"well I was very thirsty and needed to get a drink of water so I came downstairs and you were talking to her. Than she ended taking me and torturing me so i put the pieces together and figured out that she was the girl in the journal."

"Youre to smart."

"Well once youre locked up in a cellar for a while you get a lot of time to think.... And make friends with rats,"

"You made friends with what?!" I tried to hold back a chuckle.

"Nevermind that,"

"Whatever you say Clarissa that rat making friend girl."

"Oh shut up. you were crying the first time you killed someone"

"Hey that is completely different from making friends with rats, And don't use my Journal against me!"

"I already did"


Oh Ashley, Punching holes in the walls. I try to make these chapters longer but im not very good at making them long. Im working on that though. I hope you enjoyed

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