Chapter 005

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Today it's my first time traveling alone my mom bought me a camera I was invited in a fashion event this week in London for one week. I also stopped going to school.

I've been in hell this past few days because me and Luke keeps talking all about Aleisha. The harder i try to stay away from him he keeps chasing me.

Me and Calum are not also dating it's just a prank to test Luke on how jealous  he is. I looked at the window that full of clouds.

I unplugged my earphone. The boys will be the one who's going to fetch me today.


I am carefully reading some card board signs on the airport until i hear the boys laughing and teasing Luke. They didn't even notice me.

"Hey." I said and Luke's face is burning on red.

They started to teased Luke again. He scratch his head. "You look so pretty." He said.

I just nod with a grin. As we got in the car i sit beside's Luke. I didn't get enough that sleep.

My eyes were slowly closing, he guides my head to lean on his shoulder. My heart skipped a beat.

Luke wakes me up and I slowly opened my eyes they sent me on my hotel. I might be on London but it doesn't mean that I am always be with them.

We all planned that we're going to have dinner all together after their show. I have their back stage i.d's and some VIP tickets.

I tour around inside my room everything was perfect especially the bathroom and the bed.

I already started to film what am I doing. I turned on the radio and their song is currently playing on it. I dance into the beat.

The jet lag hit me so hard so I lay in bed and started to think about Luke.

Every time that he will be having a tour he always forget about me and every time that they will have a radio show they talked about me and they keep teasing Luke.

I am starting my career at age of 16 being a model and the highlight of my day is always Luke every single text and every single voice message from him making my day happy already.

5 o'clock and I already fixed my things and changed my outfit into a tank top of pierce the veil and a ripped off skinny jeans with a pair of chuck taylor i also bring the leather jacket of Luke.

I head to the venue with the leather jacket of Luke. I am probably late because Luke is having a intro singing Lego House. I left with ashton and Calum.

When they started to go on the stage I desperately head on the VIP section standing right in the front row.

"Wow guys thank you for singing with us." Michael said.

"Our last song is heartbreak girl so sing a long if you can." Luke said while staring at me.

I dance to the beat as they hit the chorus i also made a lot of friends on this tour. Actually it's one direction tour i don't really like them but guess what i am starting to love them.

As they ended the show i head back on the back stage and give Luke the tightest hug.

I hold back my tears I am so proud of them. He break the hug and smiled at me. I wipes his sweat making the other boys tease us again.

"Luke is so lucky to have spring." Michael pouted.

I laughed. "Fuck you clifford you have Christine."

"Yeah, but she's always busy you two have the same dream and now you two are currently achieving it."

My heart was flattered on what Michael says. I replied a bright smile.

"Don't worry, Christine loves you a lot she will make it up to you." I said.

Christine suddenly showed up in the dressing room. Michael is on state of shock he didn't even move as Christine goes in.

Looking at them happy makes me jealous because they love each other since when they were kids almost the same story like me and Luke but the thing is Luke's only saw me as a sister or just a best friend which just hurts me a lot.

Even though that Luke made a mistake that hurts me so much I always understand it and just smiled at him and forget everything but the scar always leaves a mark.

Luke lay his head on my lap while playing with my hair.

"I miss you spring. I'm glad that you made it." He said.

"I missed you too Luke, maybe this will be our last day seeing each other." I let out a weak smile.

I hand him my full schedule and he sits up again and face palmed.

"Fuck spring your almost out of the town for a year?! And your vacation is so short and doesn't have the same day like on us." He groans then throws my schedule and walks out.

"He's upset right now." Calum said and picked up my schedule making his eyes widened.

"Your busier than us?!" The three boys said in sync and I nod.

They congratulate me while Luke is having his own time surfing the net as he return he didn't even talks to me.

I sits besides him and smiled he just give me a poker face. "Come on Luke just talk to me."

"I hate you." He said.

"You love me stupid." I teased, making him smile.

The 1D guys return into the dressing room they grouped hug while me and Christine left out.

"Hi may i know your name?" Niall extends his right arm with a smile.

"I'm Spring." I shake his right arm with my left arm.

"Oh your the girl that Luke's talks about." He laughs and i just nod slowly.

"I heard that your model can we exchange numbers?" He asked and i nod and give my phone number to him.

"Nice knowing you mate." He tapped my back.

I just squeal a quietly with Christine starting to hit each other lightly.

We head into a restaurant with all of them I am just sticking to Luke because his going to confess something.

As we eat our dishes i can sense that Niall keeps eyeing us. "Niall keeps looking at me Luke." I whispered on his ear.

He looks slowly on Niall and just smiled. "That is because your beautiful." I hit his shoulder lightly.

They returned on the tour bus Luke didn't. He wants some keing day so he's going to stay on my room.

I took a video of him secretly and taking some picture of him the way he stares at the sea.

"I just hate that you'll be gone for 4 months and I am not around you." He said.

He looks down playing with his thumbs. I hold his hand.

"Remember my promise?" I said.

He smiled. "Yeah."

"I will never ever going to forget you too."

We pinky promised.

I hope that his promise is real because it's not i would really hate him.

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