Chapter 013

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My mind, and my heart is already fighting i don't know what to follow is it my heart. I am on a fucked up situation and i am used to this but now i really don't know.

"I love you, Luke." I finally said it, the tears started to run down my face.

"I love you too, Spring."

I cried harder this idiot he doesn't really know what i mean.

He pulls me a hug but i push him away, i wipe my tears. "Fuck you! I love you like more than a friend! Stupid i love you more like i really love your eyes when you look at me the way you argue with me when i did something nothing bad i love the way you protect me the way you car and the way your telling me to stay away from Calum and some other boys. You break my heart in a million ways, you always do broke my heart." I said while sobbing.

I wiped my tears. "And i hate you for forgetting me, and by ignoring me." I continue.

Luke bite his thumb, and stayed quiet.

"You know what? I am so stupid, even though you give me a lot of heart ache i still choose to protect my feelings for you, because your the one for me my best friend that turns out to be my crush that turns out to be someone that I love even though you treat me like a sister or what ever it is."

"Please tell me none of those are true spring." He said while face palming.

He let out a heavy sigh.

"I mean everything that i say Luke. Even though you go out with that father fucking gold digger whore! And the most of all she's the one who bullied me a lot when i was high school!" I shouted.

And now I have mixed emotions i don't know if I am mad, or hurt. "She's not a whore or a gold digger!" He back fired.

"Of course! Because your always blind when it comes to love!" I shouted again.

The house was full of tears and anger. It's only me and Luke keeps arguing because of arzaylea.

"You don't know our god damn story!"

"Of course i don't you don't even try to contact me like the others." I said he turn his face into me. "You don't anything spring! Stop acting like you do!"

"Fuck you and your little whore who leave his boyfriend for her god damn fame and money! And guess what she's using you already." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes on the other side then crossed my arms.

He gritted his teeth. "There's another story of us that you don't know!" He said.

"What?! Sending nudes to you and the other guys while bryan is with her then she goes at the bathroom!" I shouted again.

"You know what spring? You're the worst best friend! You supported me with Aleisha while on Arzaylea you can't? They've been mean to you!" He shouted.

"I can't return the same feelings as yours spring, it doesn't mean that you hate me love me or like me or something you need to be mean to arzaylea already."

"I know, okay fine sorry. I don't know anything for now on i am just your friend not best friend or something else but if ever that you need help. Don't come to me okay?" I said then walks out i will never win on this argument especially when someone he loves included.

My phone vibrates and It's liz texted me.

From : Liz.
To : Spring.🍀

Hey sweetie, I heard that you two got into fight. Don't worry about Luke. Even though that his my son he's stupid for choosing that girl. I don't like that girl too.

I smiled and immediately replied her.

To : Liz
From : Spring.🍀
Yeah liz, i've been here for a long time but he didn't even appreciate it. :(

From : Liz.
To : Spring.🍀
Get yourself to get together! I'll meet you tomorrow young lady. Have a goodnight spring. I'll just surprised you.x

I was dumbfounded on Liz replies and realizing what the fuck is my mistake. I returned on the house.

Bryan is sleeping on the couch. He smiled at me then hugs me.

"It's okay baby spring. His stupid you're amazing yet he choose the trash." He whispers on my ears. I smiled at him.

We cooked some chicken and mashed potato.

Bryan is like a little brother to me even though that his older than me. Bryan is such a great guy, his always real and being his self.

After finishing our dinner, i drink a pill for me to fall asleep bryan will be staying here until he found a new apartment.

I go upstairs and try to fall asleep but the pill isn't effective, my phone keeps ringing it's just Luke who keeps calling me. I go downstair again and drink another pill anymore.

1 hour has been passed and it's 3:30 AM already. I still can't sleep I sighed and drink another pill again.

It's going to be okay, i keep telling myself this time i am serious i will finally forget everything about Luke.

A lot of voices keeps whispering on my mind, am i going crazy i hold my head and screams i got a head ache this is not a normal headache this kind of headache.

Bryan goes up and brings me a medicine and a water. I catch my breath as soon as possible. He tapped my back so i can breath normally.

I puke some medicine that i drink earlier. He opened the container of the pills and saw a letter.

'It will kill you slowly bitch, i told you he belongs to me. -a.x'
Heyyya! Guys help me to promote this story oki? I love you guys! ;)

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