Preference #1: Seasons

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Ethan: Ethan loved winter. He loved the fireplace, your scented candles, watching Christmas specials every night, wrapping himself up in blankets and tucking you in beside him. Ethan was always so warm and cozy and winter fit his laid back personality in every way. It also provided him with an excuse to Netflix and Chill with you more often...

Harry: Harry could not get enough of summer time. Every weekend during the three warm months of the year, Harry would beg you to come with him to the beach. You usually agreed, no matter how reluctantly. He loved wading in the water along the shore, walking and talking with you for miles and miles while you both licked your soft-serve ice cream.

Jide: JJ lived for summer. He loved going to the beach with you and attending frequent summer cookouts at the Sidemen House. Though Jide loved nearly everything about summer equally, he loved the way you looked in a bikini the best. Whenever you would feel even the slightest bit self conscious, he would wrap his arms around you and tell you you were by far the hottest thing he'd seen on that one hundred degree day.

Josh: Springtime was Josh's favorite season. He loved when you went on a spring shopping spree and brought home new, pastel clothes. Josh also helped you plant and tend to your growing garden during the spring, sitting on the grass with you and weeding and watering around each flower carefully, no matter how dull of a task. He loved spending this time with you, the sunshine illuminating both of your faces.

Simon: Simon just adored fall. It was his favorite time of the year. He loved the changing colors of the leaves and the brisk air that led you to cuddle closer to him as you walked in the park. His jumper collection had grown quite large in the last few years. Though he loved wearing them himself, he loved it even more when you grew a bit chilly and asked to wear them yourself to keep you warm.

Tobi: Tobi looked forward to winter every year. Christmas was his favorite holiday and he loved the happiness and positivity that surrounded the celebration. You and Tobi would often go outside and play in the snow as if you were children again, making snow angels and getting into snowball fights. Tobi made the best hot chocolate and you always warmed yourselves up with a nice hot mug of the drink when you were finished.

Vik: Close to the end of each winter, Vik would get the worst hay fever, praying for spring to come as quickly as possible and for that damn groundhog to close his eyes for once. Vik loved spring cleaning and taking you shopping to buy new bright things for your apartment. Vik usually dragged you along for a walk in the park every Sunday morning to look at all the beautiful things that were beginning to grow.


I hope you like my first preference! Leave requests in the comments or message me :)


Kara Rose x

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