Simon Imagine #1: Locked In

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You hadn't gotten along with Simon from the first second you met. Having been friends with Josh since secondary school, he had introduced you to the  Sidemen around when the group first formed. The Sidemen were all very friendly and welcoming and soon you found yourself spending almost all of your weekends hanging out with Josh and the rest of the boys.  

That is, except for Simon. 

Josh had introduced you to Simon last, making his way down the line of boys until only the tallest of them all remained. 

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to finally meet you! Josh talks about you all the time- I'm so glad he's found such a great friend," you said, rather bubbly and quite quickly. He nodded. 

"Yeah," was all he replied. 

Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to brush off the coldness you were met with. It wasn't really the easiest thing in the world for you to put yourself out there and meet new people, so this upset you significantly. 

Simon turned his back to you, then, and went upstairs, the sound of a door slamming behind him. Everyone was silent for a moment. 

"Well, that was uncharacteristic," Vik said finally. 

Josh patted your back lightly. "I have absolutely no idea what that was about. I'll talk to him if you'd like?" 

You shook your head to say no. "That's okay." 

"Just forget about it,  I guess. I'm sorry," Josh said solemnly. You nodded and did your best to put the whole exchange out of your mind. 

This, however, proved to be quite a difficult task, as each weekend you would arrive at the "Sidemen  House" just to have to face the same, unfriendly Simon time after time. You would walk in, greet your friends and wave a polite hello to Simon- who, in turn, would nod coldly and retreat back to his cave upstairs. Eventually, you stopped trying to be civil and just ignored his presence to the best of your ability. 

As the weeks went on, you became more conversational with each other, but not in a good way. Simon was the first to take a stab at you, a rather uncalled for passive-aggressive insult that caught you offguard. You weren't even sure he was talking to you until you lifted your head to see the other boys' mouths dropped in astonishment.

The next weekend when you saw him again, you weren't so shy as to take a stab at him. And so it continued: you both takingturns fighting with eachother with less hostility expressed than the words you spoke should have required. 

Finally, the rest of the boys had had enough of your weird passive-aggressive arguments. 

"Knocki it off," Tobi said one Sunday afternoon. Tobi wasn't really one for confrontation, so if even he was fed up with you both, you knew it wasn't good. 

The following Saturday, you arrived at the house and, upon stepping inside, you could feel something was off. You brushed off your suspicion, though, and sat down on the couch, too lazy to further investigate. 

You talked with Ethan and Vik for a bit before Josh came bounding down the stairs. "Hey, (Y/n), can you help me with a video quickly?" He asked. You nodded, not thinking anything of the request, as Josh asked you to help him film all the time. 

"I just need you to help me find something quickly in Simon's room to use as a prop." 

You groaned. 

"Oh, come on. We'll be out of there in two seconds," Josh persuaded you. You relucantly agreed and ascended the stairs behind Josh, arriving at Simon's bedroom door. 

Josh opened it and held it for you, extending his arm out in a gesture and said, "After you, m'lady." You rolled your eyes and stepped inside. Looking around, you took in the surprising cleanliness of Simon's room.

Suddenly, the door slam behind you and you heard something being forced against the knob to secure it shut. You banged on the door, jiggling the handle but with no luck.

"Josh! Fuck you- let me out!"

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Simon asked, then, taking his headphones off and standing up from behind his computer.

You shook your head. "I wish I knew," you said.

Just then, you heard Josh's voice calling from the other side, "You can't come out of there until you agree to stop fighting and address the obvious sexual tension between you two."

"What the fuck!?" You and Simon exclaimed simultaneously, looking at each other for a moment and then quickly turning away. 

"Sorry. You can't go on like this anymore. Text me when you've sorted out your shit," Josh said, the sound of more footsteps joining him at the door: the rest of the boys were helping Josh move a bookcase to keep us inside. Simon banged on the door, but it was no use. You were stuck in there until you faced your problem.

"Simon, why don't you like me? Whatever I did to you I'm so sorry, but I have no idea what it is. Won't you tell me?"

He sat down on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. Finally, he looked up at you. He shrugged.

"You didn't do anything," he sighed. "I'm just a prick."

You almost laughed. "Well, yes- I gathered that, believe it or not."

He shook his head. "But, there's something else..."

You raised your eyebrows, wondering what it was he would possibly come out with.

"I really like you."

Your eyes widened, truly taken aback. You racked your brain for something to say. You finally uttered, "I'm sorry... What the fuck? Are you seven years old?"

He hung his head, sheapishly. "I know, it's stupid. It's so, so stupid and I'm really sorry. I just didn't know how to deal with it."

"Here's an idea: ask me out?" You replied, shortly.

He looked into your eyes, now. "What?"

"You could just ask me out. I'm not opposed." You smiled. "You know, if you prove that you're a decent human being, which you've not really done thus far."

He winced. "Really? You'd even consider me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? But, we should probably work on being friends, first."

A slow smile spread across his face. "Agreed."

"Well, you can let us out now, boys!" You exclaimed, walking over to the door and knocking on it.


"Guys?" Simon called, joining you at the door. Suddenly, both of your phones beeped as you got a new message.

It was Josh. Went to Nando's. Be back eventually. Leaves you both a lot of bonding time! ;)

You looked at Simon, who only rolled his eyes. "Fifa?"

You smiled and nodded. "Sure."

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