Josh Imagine #1: The Boyfriend Tag

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Your viewers had been requesting you do "The Boyfriend Tag" with your boyfriend of ten months, Josh Bradley, for what seemed like forever. Josh, however, was a bit hesitant to participate in a challenge that had no stakes so you came up with a compromise that would give the video an interesting twist.

Finally on a Friday night, you were sat down with Josh in front of your camera filming the video.

"What's up, people? Y/N is in the HIZZLE!" You began jokingly. Josh snorted and smacked your arm, laughing at your stupidity.

"Ow," you said, rather unenthusiastically. "Anyway, today I'm here with this man-child I call my boyfriend. Introduce yourself, will you?"

Josh gave a little wave. "Hey. I'm Josh." He paused. "ZERKAAAAAAA!"

He whipped.

Now, it was your turn to smack him. "Abuse!" He exclaimed and you hit him once more.

"Well, we're doing 'The Boyfriend Tag' today, but with a little twist. Well, actually a huge twist. See, Joshua here didn't want to do just a normal challenge. Joshua, instead, wanted incentives and consequences."

Josh nodded. "And I have no idea what she picked as the consequence yet... The anticipation!"

You giggled. "Well, wait no longer, babe, because I have decided on a very unique and cruel punishment."

Josh's eyes widened. "Oh no," he said quietly.

You grinned. "Every question you get wrong today, Joshua, we don't have sex for one day."

Josh gasped. "Oh god. Y/N, what have you done!? You monster!"

You laughed evilly. "I thought it would be a pretty good incentive for you to get the questions right."

He grinned at your deviousness, but then his face grew solemn. "But, off the record, you're not actually serious, are you?" Josh said, a hint of fear present in both his eyes and his voice. You liked this power that you had in the moment.

"Off the record," you said seductively, kissing him deeply, "Yes. Yes I am very serious."

He squinted at you and furrowed his eyebrows. "Fine," Josh said, irritatedly. "Let's get on with it then."

"I agree whole-heartedly, Joshua."

"Must you call me Joshua?" He asks, sighing deeply.

You nodded vigorously. "Yes. I must. I am quite inclined to call you Joshua." He sighed again. "So, Joshua, the first question is: where did we first meet?"

Your boyfriend's face immediately lit up as he recalled the answer. "Summer in the City, 2K13."

You rolled your eyes but gave him a pat on the back. "Good job. I would've been pretty mad if you didn't get that one. They're going to get harder, okay?"

"Hit me," he replied, smirking.

"Next question: where and when was our first date?"

He scoffed. "Come on, that's like two questions!" He pouted and you smiled, caressing his cheek .

"Walk it off."

"Fine..." He stroked his beard for a little bit and then looked up at you sheepishly. "Alright, I'll take a stab at it."

You nodded. "Go on."

"I know for sure that it was ice skating at Somerset House..."

"Yes, keep going."

"And, ten months ago... was December... It was mid-December, right?" He closed his eyes in anticipation.

"Do you wanna try for a date?" You smiled.

"Fuck me. Um... the 17th?" He said, throwing his hands in the air.

Your eyes widened. "How the fuck did you know that!?"

He stood up, grinning. "Wait, I seriously got it right!?"

You laughed, "Ha. No."

He sat back down, defeatedly. You kissed his cheek lightly and brushed the hair out of his face.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you anyway." His eyes lit up. "But, only because you're cute."

"You know what? I'll take it."

"Third question, Joshua. This one's hard. Ready?"

"Not really."

"Good," you said.

"Wait, was that the question?"

You laughed. "No, no, you sket." Josh pretended to be offended, causing you to giggle even more. "The question is: who wears the pants in the relationship?"

"That's easy. Me, of course."

"Wrooooong answer," you sang out.

"What!? Shut up. I'm a man."

"And I'm a woman. And I wear the pants in our relationship."

He sighed, smiling at you finally. "Allow me."

"No. I won't condone your attitude," you said defiantly, but with a smile. "That's one day, Joshua..."

Your voice trailed off as Josh's face dropped.

"You're the one who wanted to play for something!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you're evil."

"Yeah, but you knew that going into this..."

He smiled. "Touche."

You continued filming for a while longer. In the end, Josh had totaled a penalty of seven days without sex. He was very distraught.

"Well, that's all the questions we have for today, folks. Sorry, Josh. I'm sure you were looking forward to losing more."

Josh pouted. "Whatever."

"Tweet him your condolences with the #PrayforZerkaa," you said, laughing. He immediately tackled you and you fell to the floor laughing.



Hope you all liked this imagine!


Kara Rose x

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