Preference #3: Rainy Days

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Ethan: As soon as the first boom of thunder had sounded at 9 o'clock in the morning, you were up. You had never liked storms and Ethan felt your pain. He set up the TV and told you to grab all of your favorite Disney movies. You had decided to watch Tangled first, as it was your absolute favorite, and Ethan popped it in the DVD player. The whole day faded away as you laid on the couch with Ethan, watching your favorite childhood movies. 

Harry: As soon as you opened your eyes, you heard the rain falling down on the window pane. You sighed, searching around the room for something to do. Your eyes immediately landed on one of your prized possessions. You grabbed it and raced to the kitchen, setting your object down on the table and laying out all of the supplies neatly. Harry had been woken up by your stirring and joined you at the table then. You and Harry painted the most beautiful pictures with your watercolor set, perfect for a wet day.

Jide: You had been sleeping peacefully until JJ had jumped on the bed, shaking you awake. You groaned in response. "(Y/N), it's raining outside!" He exclaimed. Your eyes immediately opened, remembering your traditional rainy day activity. You jumped up, racing around the apartment to find as many pillows and cushions as you could. Finally, you had constructed the most stellar fort and spent the rest of the day cuddling with Jide in your hideaway.

Josh: As soon as the rain started pouring down on a Monday morning, you ran around the house to gather up all your favorite board games. You dropped them on the bed, waking Josh up in the process. He turned over and smiled. You spent the rest of the day in your white, warm bed playing everything from Candy  Land to Chutes and Ladders to Monopoly. Not to mention, you beat him at Sorry! mercilessly. 

Simon: You were a bit disappointed to see the dark grey clouds in the sky and the rain beginning to drizzle to the ground, as the rain always got you a bit down. However, you quickly recalled the cookie mix you had bought the week before, pulling Simon from the couch as you made your way to the kitchen. You spent the rest of the day baking sugar cookies, getting a bit messy and flicking flour at each other whenever you got the chance.

Tobi: Tobi had woken up very early that morning, having been made restless from the storm outside. You woke up a little bit after him, making your way out to the living room where you heard music playing. Your eyes widened as you stepped into a make-shift football field. "Surprise!" Tobi laughed. You spent the rest of the day kicking the ball around the house, playing the best game ever that Tobi had called "Extreme Home Football".

Vik: Vik almost never took a break from working and filming, so when it began to rain on Saturday morning, you already had a very good plan in mind. Helping him set up his camera and space, you took a seat next to him at his computer, grabbing a controller and intertwining your arm with his. You played Minecraft for as long as you could possibly stand it and ordered pizza for your much needed lunch break.


Hope you liked this one!


Kara Rose x

Sidemen Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora