The Letter

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Aphmau's P.O.V

After Garroth cleared everything up Zoey came and told me that I need to rest becuase she didn't want anything to happen to me Zoe calm down I'm fine see I can walk I can feel my legs did I forget to say that IM FINE! "I know Aphmau but we almost lost you and I'm not going to let that happen ever again!" Zoey come on I can protect myself besides if I get hurt Garroth can heal me again. "I know it's just wait how did Garroth heal you anyway?" Oh umm I well you see... I think she saw me blushing becuase when she put two and two together "OMG DID HE KISS YOU!" Waaaaaaaaaattttt what makes you saw that? "Aphmau I was not born yesterday in fact I was born 900 years ago. (Or was it 100 I don't Remeber!) ok fine! You got me he kissed me you happy now! " yes I am but know I owe Maliche two dollars" wait what?! "Nothing.. Umm hey is that Raven at the door!" I wasn't sure about what she said but Raven was at the door. Hey Raven who sent you? "He told me an unknown girl has gave him the message he told me to take it to any village he thinks she was outside okhasis and hiding. I get the letter and this is what it said.
Please who ever is reading this I need HELP! They want me to do something I don't agree with they want me to marry someone who I dislike and most people agree with me I'm hiding outside of okasis if you find this please come and find me there going to kill me if I don't marry please help me!
Well I think I'm going on a rescue mission Zoe "really where are you going?" Well its a place called Okasis and I'm going to rescue this person! "What why! They could find you and take you to Zane or something!" Zoey this girl is forced to marry someone. "And if she or he doesn't it will create a war?" No they would kill her. "Aphmau you go right now and go get whoever it is and bring them back no one should be forced to marry I get it if you don't it will create a war but to kill someone that's just twisted!" That's why I'm going if Garroth comes by tell him I'm going on a walk though the woods "wait why not tell him where your going?" Becuase you would freak out and try to follow me "oh that makes sence and what happens if you don't return?" Well I should be back in a few hours if not a day and if I don't return tell my guards where I'm actually going. "Ok I will be safe" ok Zoey bye.

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