Chapter 8 Lost of the Alpha

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When Dylan left i felt like something was gonna happen i don't know what exactly but it felt wrong as Kyle pulled me inside and closed the door i grabbed my phone and dialed Kevin's number i need to hear he's voice and tell him everything.

Hello Kevin


We need to talk can you come over?

Sure i'l be right there.

I'm not at home i'm at Dylan's house i will send you the address.

Why are in Dylan's house?

Its a long story just come please.


Thanks.and i hang up i walk into the kitchen and i grab a bottle of water my parents think i'm studying with friends i should call and tell them i'm gonna stay over my friends house they probably won't let me but its worth a try so i do and surprisingly the call went well mom kinda screamed but then said it was alright but to be home tomorrow before lunch time or i was dead.After i ended the call i went into the living room Kyle was walking back and forth he looks nerves hell i'm nerves too i can't stop thinking about Dylan man i'm become a wussy i told myself that i wasn't gonna fall for him and only one kiss turned me around on my whole plan all i can do is think about him feel him touch him and even smell him like seriously who smells there boyfriends me apparently its like i can't live without him like his my whole life but i don't think i want that do i? I don't know.the nock on the door wakes me from my thoughts Kyle walks slowly to the front door i stand i try to pas him put he doesn't let me.

Its probably Kevin.i say

Then the door burst open in a small explosion Kyle lands on top of me my vision is blurry theres fire and smoke al around the front of the house Kyle gets off of me and theres a piece of wood in his leg theres blood everywhere i sit up and try to stop the bleeding i take off my jacket and i put it around his leg.

I'm gonna pull it out.i say and he nods i grab the piece of wood and i pull as hard as i can it comes out after a few pulls then there even more blood i rap the jacket around his wounded leg and i help him up.

We need to leave.says Kyle,who ever did this might come back.

Okay i put his arm around my neck and i help him walk outside toward the car i open the door and i help him inside once he is sited i close the door and run around the car to the drivers sit i open the door and i remember Kevin he is coming so i run inside and look for my phone i find it and i call Kevin but there no answer Shit..!i keep calling while i run toward the car i get in and start the car.

Where are we going?

North.says Kyle


Thats the way to the pack house.he says

And i start the car but i don't stop calling Kevin or asking why we are going to pack house without Dylan and the others.

Just drive they will get there i mind link Danny they know.says Kyle while growling in pain

Keep pressure on that or you'l bleed out.i say maybe we need to go to a hospital

No it will heal.he says

Still you don't look good maybe the hos....i'm cut off by a very loud howl i stop the car to cover my ears the howl sounds sad!oh no Dylan its the first to come to mind he's hurt or worse!! no don't think like that.

Whats wrong?i ask but he just looks down at his hands,Kyle i say while i put my hand on his shoulder then he looks up and theres tears in his eyes

Its the Alpha his gone.he says

As he says it my heart starts to hurt like nothing i have ever felt is this what it feels to lose someone in the pack i'm not even mated to Dylan yet and my heart is in two.I feel tears running down my face i can't stop them even if i tried.

We should go find Dylan and the others.says Kyle

I nod and i start the car we drive for a while before seeing the car park in front of the woods i stop and get out i run toward the car but nothing no ones here then i here footstep coming from the trees i turn around but at the same time i'm backing up toward the car where Kyle is just in case its Jacob then i see its Dylan and the others when Dylan sees me he almost fall over trying to run to me but i beet him to it i jump in his open arms.

I'm so sorry Dylan.i whisper into his chest,he puts his head in my neck and starts to cry i can feel his tears on my skin and my heart brakes into a million piece.Its gonna be alright we will get trough this together i say i can feel my own tears falling he just nods and hugs me tighter.As we pull apart Dylan doesn't let me go his arm is around my neck i can see bobby holding a women she must be Dylan mother i get out of Dylan arm and walk toward the crying women i pull her into my arms she doesn't hug me at first then her arms come around me and she starts crying even louder i just hold Dylan's mother until she passes out.Bobby take her and puts her inside the car where Kyle is still bleeding i check his wound and its still pretty bad.

I thought you said that it will heal?

Its suppose to i don't know why its still like this.he says

Lets get back to the pack house Kyle needs a doctor.says Dylan,he grabs me and pulls me into his arms he kisses my head and i get into the car he walks back toward where they came out then comes out of the trees with a lifeless body its His father He walks to the car in front of us and puts him in the back sit then Danny and bobby get in the car he walks back to the car i'am in and he gets into the drivers sit and starts the car and we are off toward the pack house where ever that is i didn't say anything about leaving town mom and dad are gonna kill me but its not the best time to say anything so i don't.


Helloo everyone i hope your enjoying the story please tell me if you like it by voting or commenting it will mean the world to me.sorry if my spelling is not that great not a pro at writing but i like it.😁
Thanks for Reading📖📚

With Love Marymar🌙

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