Chapter 22 Marked

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Dylan's P.O.V

Its been two days since Bethany was taken by Kevin the hybrid after i saw him take her i went on a full on killing spree i was so mad all i saw was Blood my wolf was in control and all i wanted to do was kill i was out for blood we fought all bloody night with the rouge pack when morning came alpha Jacob surrendered and left i wanted to go after him and kill every last one of them but there was to many injured wolfs and dead ones as well so i had to stay as Val and the other pack doctors healed the injured my wolf was still ready to kill anybody who step out of line.(A/N i gonna put some of the stuff that happened after they all stop fighting with the rouge pack so thats what this is.)

Alpha.i hear Val say from behind me

What.i growl

I need to see and fix your injuries.says Val

No help the others i'm fine.i say

Dylan please let me.says Val lowering her head

Fine.i say giving in i sit down on the stairs and she starts to fix up my leg.

I'm sorry Alpha i miss her two but we will find her.says Val

I look at her surprised,Thanks Val.i says

For what?she asks

For all ways being there for me.i reply

What are friends for.says Val with a warm smile,Okay all good here now its all up to you to heal,and she leaves i stand i help other pack member inside.Kyle and Danny our outside watching for any sigh of danger as i make my way inside the clinic theres a lot of wolfs and she wolfs screaming out in pain i walk up to each of them and give them strength i do the same with the pack doctors.

Val is there something i can do?

Can you hold him down.says Val

I nod and walk behind the bed where one of my pack member lays i hold him down by the shoulders while Val works on his arm theres a huge cut down his arms and it looks bad after what feels like hours Val finishes and injects him he falls a sleep in minutes.As all the doctors help and healed everybody i went outside to carry the dead wolfs out back for later to do small funeral for all of them which our Four.After that the whole day was very frustrating i wanted to leave and find Bethany but i couldn't my wolf was restless so i went for a run.(A/N okay time skip to two days later)

As i lay in my bed i can't sleep without Bethany near me her scent is all over the room its the only thing that calms me no body is aloud in here just me as i pull her pillow closer to and hug i take a deep breath.when i hear her.

Dylan.i hear her say and its like a huge wave of relief hits me(A/N this is the same conversion of the other chapter so if you want skip it)

Bethany thank god where are you?

I don't know i just woke up and i left its a really big house in the middle of nowhere.

Okay where are you now?

I'm running trough the woods they are after me Dylan.

Howl Baby.


If your near i can here.

But what if i'm not near it will only bring the Rouges closer to me.

Bethany howl i will hear you no matter where you are i can feel you now do it.a few minutes later i hear a loud howl i run downstairs and i'm out the door the howl came from the north.

Dylan did you here me.

Yes i did keep running i will find you.

Okay I love you Dylan

I love you two babe.i say and i head back inside i need to get the pack ready to go north i don't know exactly where she is but i can feel her now that i heard her howl.

I call everyone into the meeting room those who are not still in the clinic.

Attention.i scream and they all go silent,I know where the Luna is she managed to escape and contact me trough our bond the howl you heard was her we need to go north everybody get ready we are leaving as fast as everybody is ready.

Yes Alpha.they all say,As everybody was leaving i fell to my knees my heart hurt like hell i let out a scream of pain.

Dylan whats wrong.says Val

But i already know that son of a bitch just marked My mate i will kill him if its the last thing i do.

Alpha.i hear Lea say

Whats going on?asks Peter

I don't know.says Val

He marked her.i say while standing up

What!!says Lea with wide eyes

Kevin marked my mate.i say,we need to leave now.

Yes alpha.says Val and leaves the room with Lea and peter i walk out as well i head up to my room and pack a few things after that i walk downstairs and out the door toward the car we all get into the cars i'm leaving Kyle in charge with Val and the rest of the warriors are coming with me,Danny and bobby in total we are 15 wolfs the rest of the pack are staying here as we drive north my heart is in a lot of pain i cant shake the feeling that i lost part of my mate i feel lost without her i hope i make it in time.


Heyyy my beautiful readers sorry snort chapter i know i just wanted you to see how Dylan felt when Kevin marked Beth so yeah i hope you enjoyed please vote and comment if your liking it so far.Btw sorry if my grammar is bad not a pro!!

Thanks for Reading📖

With Love Marymar🌙

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