Hold onto me (Tom fluff)

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She hadn't ice skated for maybe five years, and not even then had she managed to stay upright for most of the time. But she had of course agreed on it the second her close friend and crush had asked if she wanted to come with him. So, as the story goes, she was horrible. Not even when just getting there was easy, she couldn't for the life of her get the skates on. "Bloody piece of garbage, get in!" She practically yelled down at her foot, which refused to obey her. Not slipping in as easily as she would have hoped. The happy man with blondish brow curls next to her side laughed. "You know you have to release the straps first, right?" He asked gently, his contagious smile not helping to make her feel any less stupid as she undid them, this time being able to slip inside. "Of course I knew that, what do you take me fore Tom, an idiot?" She mutters lightly, but smiling nonetheless. He was already fixed up and standing, having the ice just a meter away from them he stretched out his hand towards her. "Come on princess, I'll help you." She blushed slightly before letting her hand gently clasp around his.

But it wasn't a graceful thing to stand up either, immediately she slipped with the now very strange footwear and fell into his chest. He stood sturdy as a rock and helped her back to a normal position, her cheeks searing hot as she looked up. "I-I'm sorry. I haven't skated in quite a while." She got out in one quick ramble, making it hard for him to keep up with her words. "You don't have to worry so much, I'm just glad I was here to catch you. Just hold onto me and you'll be fine." She liked those words as they left his seemingly soft lips. Having an excuse to hold his arm or hand was yhe best thing she could think of at the moment. Taking the opportunity she took a tight hold of his black winter jacket. He smiles and steps onto the ice, easing her onto it carefully. Making sure she doesn't fall or glide away from him. With shaky legs she takes a slow stride forward, only to hold him very tightly to not fall. He was tall as a giant so to her it was mostly gripping onto his arm or jacket, even though he wasn't too tall.

After a fair ten minutes he had given her support and feedback enough for her to start to skate around freely, for once she felt like she could think back to when she was a child and used to do it with friends in the afternoon after school. She laughed lightly and that made Tom smile and his heart slightly flutter, making him once again feel a tug at his heartstrings. Taking the chance when she is skating away from her he takes out a smaller paper note from his pocket, it was a note were he had put his heart out for her, yet he was afraid to give it. Deciding this would be the best time to say it he slowly made his way over to her. The rest of the rink was empty, no people around to see them or take photos. He skates up by her side and goes with her for a while, just quietly admiring her as they slowly glided side by side.

"I have something I need to tell you, but I fear that it's going to make you feel awkward around me." Tom says slowly, making [y/n]s' attention turn towards him. What could possibly make him think that? She thought with a concerned look on her face, hoping that it wasn't something about him not being interested in her.

"I really......I just really like you and I'm....I'm afraid to speak my feelings for you. But I feel that I have to ask before I run away in fear." He took a deep breath, she was frozen and wasn't believing the things she heard. Her heart raced at the speed of light.
"Would you, [y/n], let me have the honour of calling you mine? Would you be my girlfriend?" He said with a shaky breath, his hands uncertain of wether he should let go of hers or not.
The seconds draw out into a minute and he sighed, starting to let go as he inwardly cursed ruining there friendship. But befire he came far his chin was lifted by a sift hand and a pair of lips softly connected to his. His eyes widened before he realized what was going on. Her arms went around his shoulders and his around her waist. The feeling of warmth spreading through the both of them as they held each other close. When they drew away their fireheads rested against each others and their eyes gazed into each others. "I'll take that as a yes." Tom chuckles with a slight pant; feeling her breath brush against his lips. "It's always been a yes and it will always be." She said with a great and bright smile.

They entered the skating rink as friends, and left as a couple.

~Hello everyone, I'm so sorry fir the long wait. I got this request from JessIsNotGayOk and I am once again really sorry for the long wait, school has been hectic. I once again really would love to get more requests and it doesn't in any way have to be straight or just involve one of the two. It can be both Tom and Loki in one if wanted. I hope you enjoyed and I will try to finish my second request from Nyllfein by the end of the week. Sorry if I did many spelling or grammar mistakes, also I am sorry for the shortness of this chapter.~

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