Fire and ice (Loki smut)

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~Just to mix things up I will write this in first person, hope you still enjoy it. Also, this is a really, really long one. It took me a few months with several breaks and rewrites to get it this "good", so I hope you like it. Okay, let's be realistic, I have been too busy and too lazy to write this chapter :/ Sorry.~

The night was warm, hot, boiling. I couldn't for the life off me fall asleep in the dark bedroom of mine. The sun had long since gone under the horizon, the moon being the only thing that lit up my room through the closed window.
I had been tossing and turning for hours on end, the time ticking by agonizingly slow.
In the end I just accepted it, I would not be able to sleep for even an hour this heated night.

After getting out of my tank top and into just a nightgown and underwear I let out a sigh, opening my window to let in some sort of breeze if there were any at all.
I didn't know then that minutes later that one decision would have me pinned to the bed by someone I couldn't see because of the darkness of the room.

I had laid down again and I felt the bed shift, the cat, I thought simply. But then in seconds my wrists were pinned above my head and my body caged in by another, one that was far too strong for me to budge. My breath caught in my throat and the second my lips parted to scream out in fear, cold lips pressed against them, silencing me immediately. They were icy cold, chilling my hot lips to a pleasant temperature. My scared and shaky breaths calmed as his lips left mine and his emerald green eyes pierced into my [y/c] ones.

"Missed me?" He said in a teasing tone, still not letting go of my wrists, holding them down with just one hand as the other caressed my heated cheek. "I'm pretty sure you can tell by the sheer fact that I'm not mad at you for scaring the living fuck out of me." I chuckle under him, his white teeth seemingly lighting up the room, however I didn't need to wait long for him to flick his wrist and make scented candles fill the room. The flames danced and created such a beautiful display of orange and yellow light. His high cheekbones and raven black hair was easily recognisable, the cheeky smirk spreading on his lips making it easy to see what he was thinking.

"I missed you in several ways you know, and I'm guessing by how eager your eyes seem you did too." I said slowly and as seductively as I could make it. If my hands were free I would be letting my hands flow through those loose strands of hair that fit him so perfectly, I would have made him moan for me like so many times before. His head and torso leaned down and I could feel his soft and extra cold breath on my neck, he wanted me to feel him more intensely and he took my warmth as a way to exploit me, using it to his advantage.
My head tilted to the side giving him more access to my neck, and after a few agonizing moments of nothingness I could finally feel his cold lips press against my warm and sensitive skin.
I let out a low moan and a desperate whimper as I felt his slender fingers ride up my nightgown, ghosting over the intricate lace of my bra.

He hadn't even answered me or in any way said anything to make it clear that he indeed had missed me. But he didn't need to, his actions spoke for themselves. His now icy cold fingers skimmed across my skin as he took hold of one strap and slowly bringed it over my shoulder, leaving me with goosebumps and a wanting/craving for more of his touch. My wrists tugged on his hold and my eyes were watching the strings of black hair that had escaped from behind his ears. He however, seemed to want me to stay put and listen to orders as I could feel him quite roughly bite down on the tendons of my neck, leaving me moaning with a bruise.
"Please, Loki, I can't take your teasing."
I breathed out in a desperate whine for his skillful finger to fill me or do anything, I needed him inside of me in some way and I needed it fast, in all the senses of the word.

He grinned against my skin, placing a loving and lingering kiss to my collarbone as he lifted up my nightgown, with my help getting it over my head and off completely together taking my bra with him along the way.
"Oh my dear, you really are that desperate for my touch? I'm guessing the sweat on your skin and with the heat you're emitting that you would need some help cooling down, am I correct?" He was smiling ear to ear, a suggestive glint in his eyes as they looked down upon my begging and lustful form.
"Yes Loki. I want your help. Please, let me see the true you." I breathed out, panting the slightest.

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