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Hey yo what's up yo guys! I am finally alive!

I am officially happy since I'm back to make another story! The story I was making on a piece of paper during lunch in school. Thinking about my crush, Mr. Right.

Alessandra Harris. Also known as 'Ms. Simple'. Dresses simple, rich but unpopular, has two besties by her side, a sister bitch and has a huge crush on Mr. Perfect.

Alexander Garcia, Ms. Simple's "Mr. Right". Rich, charming, popular, kind, smart and has a loveteam with Megan Hart.

And Gabriel Harper. Lived for the title 'Mr. Angel-like attitude'. Who has feelings for Ms. Simple.

What if Ms. Simple leaves heaven and goes to some place like hell?

And meets Matthew Evans who is 'Mr. Hottie slash playboy'. A handsome boy with a little playboy antique.

And Angelo Dimanlig or 'Mr. Daredevil' who makes Ms. Simple's life like hell by liking her?

Will Ms. Simple be able to survive her life in hell? And who will be her Mr. Right?

Oh I'm so excited to write this! So I'm telling you that I'm not pushing you to read this but I'll make sure that you will definitely love this. And I promise that I won't fail this time.

I hope you can support me till the end! Thanks!:D

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