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As the days went by Amir watched Safa. Nursing her and taking care of her. Every time she would begin to shake he would do his best to calm her down.
"Amir!" She called out. "I want to take you somewhere." He walked into the kitchen to where she was. Looking at her.
"It's a surprise." She said excitedly. Smiling at him before walking into his arms. "I want you to get close to Allah."
"Why? He doesn't seem to want to talk to me."
"Shush. You are a softie. Allah loves soft people." Amir nodded.
"And all the terrorists?"
"Amir you are smart. Does a mistake made by some mean that is how everyone is?" Amir shook his head. As they headed out Safa made Amir keep his head toward her. So he couldn't see where she was taking him.
"Where are we.."
"Turn around." In front of them was a Masjid. It's dome was green. Amir felt nervous. He had never been to a Masjid. As they entered Amir heard a girl scream.
"Safa!" Safa turned around. Smiling and squealing.
"Fatimah!" Amir looked at them as Safa mouthed go on to him. He nodded and went inside. Looking around as people prayed, read the Qur'an, some were talking in the corner. Amir felt like he didn't belong. He felt trapped. A man in his late forties came. His beard was gently coated with grey as his glasses glistened from the light. He smiled.
"Amir?" Amir looked up. Not recognizing the man.
"Amir. Son of Muffazal?" He nodded. "I am your father's Islamic teacher. Faraaz." Amir stood up. Shaking his hand.
"Why are you hear?" He asked. He had a light Indian accent.
"I came to see the masjid."
"Oh. I thought your father got sick. How is he?"
"Dad is good."
"Please do tell him I miss him in class." Amir nodded. Faraaz left. Meeting someone else. After the prayer Amir went by the door. Waiting for Safa so they could leave. But Faraaz met him. "Amir where are you going?"
"To a friend's. I'm waiting for them."
"I see. Do you need a ride?" Amir couldn't believe it. This guy just met him. Sure he knows the father. But is that enough to say you are my son too? Amir shook his head. Pointing to his car. Faraaz nodded and shook Amir's hand again.
Safa came from behind Amir. Covering his eyes she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"Carry me?"
"Okay. But today you need to get your stitches..."
"No no no no no."
"Safa. It won't be so bad."
"Yes it will! Promise to be there?" Amir nodded his head. When they reached the doctors Safa went into the office. Amir followed behind.
"Uhm excuse me. Family only." A nurse with short black girls and smooth dark skin told him.
"It's okay Shante. He is My Husband." Safa said. Winking at Amir.
"Okay then follow me." When they reached the office Safa laid on the bed. Amir looked around the office.
"Amir. You are making me nervous."
She smiled. Watching Amir. The doctor walked in. Safa lifted her shirt up.
"This might hurt." The doctor said. A man with short grey hair. Fresh shaven man. He washed his hands before sitting on a chair by Safa. Every time he pulled out a stitch she screamed in pain. She grabbed Amir. Squeezing him tightly. When the doctor was done Safa was a sobbing mess.
"Amir. It hurts."
"I know." He said. Rubbing her head. Picking her up he carried her out of the doctors office. Everyone was watching him in awe. He looked at Safa who smiled at him.
"My softie." She whispered. "I love you." Amir nodded.
"I am not a softie."
"Do you love me?"
"Of course."
"Then say it." Amir nodded as they reached his car. It was buried under snow. He set Safa on the car before pushing the snow away with his foot. Feeling the cold snow melt in his sock.
He opened the door. Praying the car would start. When he heard the engine turn on he turned the heat on. Grabbing Safa and placing her in the back so she could lay down.
"Amir. I'm not a baby you know?" She said in a sarcastic tone.
"Sometimes you act like it." Amir chirped. Safa pretended to make a hurt face. Giggling as Amir punched her foot. He scraped and brushed the ice and snow off the car as Safa say inside warming herself up.
When they arrived at Safa's house she was asleep. Amir admired how peaceful she looked. So innocent. So happy. He didn't want to disturb her. He cradled her in his arms as he brought her inside. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a car start to speed by. With something long sticking out of the window. He brought Safa inside as he knew what it was. Covering her body with his like a human shielded as paintballs broke the glass. Sending shards like shrapnel everywhere. Paintballs stained the wall. Amir looked up at them. Frozen paintballs. He thought to himself. He knew who would do this. Only one person would do this. Brandon. He is the only one wanting to harm Safa. Even after he already harmed her. Safa began to shake. Amir could feel the intensity increase. He placed her against his chest. Rubbing her head. Whispering gently into her ear. "I miss you just like paper misses words. Like the pen misses ink. My Beautiful Safa. Come back to me." He kept repeating it. Wondering what if she never came out. If she would die like this. When she finally came back. She started crying. Looking at Amir and gripping him.
"Shh. This isn't your fault. Don't even think it is."
"But instead of you having a life. You help me with mine."
"Yes. There a problem?" She shook her head. Placing her head under his. Squeezing him tightly. Amir sighed.
"Don't beat yourself up. You can't change what.."
"I want to marry you." Amir looked at her. Confused.
"Marry me." Amir didn't know how to respond. It took him so long just to tell her he loved her.

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