We Resonated!! Dissapearing Tears

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Okay guys well I was able to think of something so here's my first one-shot.

Maka: Here!

Maka had yelled in weak voice. Here greens emerald eyes were blank and dull and only showing sadness.

Her partner had abandoned her for another meister. It upsets Maka because of the hurtful stuff the weapon had said.

Stein: Soul 'Eater' Evans.

No reply.


Stein threw a knife at Soul and Soul had stumbled out of his seat for the sudden yell.

Soul: Here!!!

The whole class laughs except for Maka who stays quiet wanting to cry. Soul notices and he plans to talk to the girl.

Stein: Class is dismissed!

Stein says as he rolls away falling on his pity ass.

Maka rushes out of the classroom and when Soul notices he goes after her.

Soul: Hey wait!!

Maka: Huh?

Soul: Wait!

Maka stops and Soul bumps into her.

Soul turns both Maka and him around so that they would fall in him and not Maka. He successfully does what he was to do and Maka lands on him.

Maka stand up and helps Soul up, feeling a warm touch.

Soul: Umm, well I wanted to ask if your okay?

Maka: I am, why?

Maka pulls of a fake smile and Soul, without even planning it pulled her into a hug.

Soul: Your not.

Maka: I'm sorry but your name is Soul, right?

Soul: Yes, and you Maka?

Maka: Mhm!

Soul: May I ask what wrong?

Maka starts feeling sad all over again but tries to prevent her self from crying.

Maka: My weapon, she left me. She left me for another meister. She said this horrible things about me. It airs me feel useless.

At the sentence Maka whispers it and Soul pulls her into another hug.

Soul: Let's resonate!?

Maka: Huh?

Soul: Resonate with me!

Maka: Really?!

Soul: Yup!

Maka and Soul resonate and they have a strong connection. Their soul wavelengths get more powerful an study finally reach each other's souls. They put the souls in their arms and hug them as if they never want to leave or hurt each other. When they end the resonate they look at each other in th eyes.

Soul: It was perfect.

Maka: It was amazing.

Both: Will you be my partner!!??

They shake hands and hug.

Soul: We resonated!!

Maka: disappearing tears.

2 years later.........

Soul: Maka......

Maka: Soul......I-i-i love y-you!!!

Soul: And I love you!! My bookworm.

Both: Nothing will bring us apart.

Soul: Will you marry me?!!

Maka: Yes!! I will, Soul!!

All done with this one-shot guys. If you want a part 2 I will do it. So comment, like, and follow me!!

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