The Ride Of Love

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Maka: I don't want to go, Soul!!

Soul: *chuckles* I didn't ask for your opinion, did I? Nope, your going or I'm gonna look stupid, instead if cool if I go alone.

Maka: Damn you Soul!*whines*

Soul: Your acting like a little kid.

Maka: I wanna finish my book!!

Soul: Let's go!

Soul drags Maka out of the living room to the door.

When Soul puts Maka down so he can get he's keys, Maka doesn't escape but she does turn herself around. Her legs are now pointed to Soul and her upper body is pointing to the inside of their apartment.

When Soul grabs Maka's ankles she gets dragged more near to the door step. When she finally get her head to the door step she immediately put her arms up and gets a grip on the door.

Soul: Maka let go!

Maka: If you can get my hands to get my grip of this already.

Soul: I really want to play like that, huh?

Maka: Mm.... YES!

Soul: Okay.

Soul knees down and starts to tickle Maka. That doesn't do any affect though.

Soul: Let the fuck go Maka!!

Maka: Don't wanna.

Soul: Fine, I'm ending the partnership.

Maka: What?!?!

Maka immediately let's go of the door step and Soul laughs.

Soul: Your really that dense, huh Maka? I would never end the partner ship.

Maka: I would never end it either.

Soul: You what to know why?

Maka: Why?

Soul: Because I love you.

Maka: Do you want to know why?

Soul: Yes.

Maka: Because I love you too, baka.

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