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What Maka?

Clean this couch right now!


Please! You made the mess yourself anyways!

Maka, who said you were my mom?


Why my mom, though?

What do you mean?

Instead of my mom, can't you be my girlfriend?


I'm asking if you will be my girlfriend, Maka Kami Albarn?

How do you kniw my middle name?

Parents? iv'e got my ways. I also figured it out because your mom's name was Kami and your parents might have wanted to put her name in your whole name.

Yes. Yes, ill be your girlfriend.

Just what I wanted to hear. I love you Maka, so much.

I'm glad to hear that and I love you too, very much. I wish I told you sooner.

Maka and Soul hug and then Soul grabs Maka's face from his shoulder cupping her cheeks.

Never leave my side and never ever stop loving me and remember that i'll alaways love you no matter what, promise?

I promise, no promise the same for me?

I promise, love.

Soul pulls Maka's face toward his and Maka closes her eyes and puts a kissy face on ready for her and Soul's first kiss ever.

Finally, their lips met and they don't stop the kiss until they no longer can breathe.

When their lips seperated they both felt their lips cold and a little saddened the first kiss they had was over. Their faces were a deep red from not breathing for minutes and thwy looked up smiling at each other.

Soul still had one hand on Maka's cheek and a arm around her waist. She had her arms around Soul's neck and hands and fingers tangled in his hair.

I love you, soul.

I love you Maka.

8 years later............

Maka Albarn, please say your vows.

Soul Eater Evans is the most important person in my life. He wasn't just my partner a really long time ago but he was also my crush. I loved him. I never new i would be standing her marrying the love of my life, Soul. He protected me and when he did I was crushed because i could never live with out him because i love him. Everything we fought was do because Soul was there with me. He's the reason i was a miester and he was a weapon, so that we can choose to be partners and do what were doing today. I love you.

Everyone had bursted into tears because of Maka's speech, even Black Star and now it was Soul's turn.

Maka Albarn is the reason why I live. With her in my life i would never let her leave my side. i remember the promise we made. We can never leave each others side, never stop loving each other, and never we forgot one another. This promise is something more important than a contract to me. It'ssomething that will keep out love together. I'll never stop loving her and that's why i asked her out 8 years ago and asked her to marry me at the same time she did 2 months ago. I love you, Maka.

Now there's more tears around the whole place church and even Maka's mom and Soul's brother and parents were here fir the special day. The best day ever.

Will you, Maka Albarn gladly except Soul Eater Evans as your weeded husband and cherish and love your love forever.

I do!

Will you Soul Eater Evans?

I do!

You may kiss the bride.

Now, you might say the whole crowd was surprised of how long of a kiss the new married couple had. There was mother's screaming with joy, friends laughing and cheering loudly, a fathers yelling at each other, siblings cheering as well, and other family members going crazy with happiness.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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