You've Saved Me

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Maka sat in the corner with tear stained, cheeks. It's been a week since she gotten out f the room. Death the Kid, her later-to-be husband, didn't have her love. She didn't want to marry him.

Soul had yelled at her for the marriage though. She said that she was his bad only his. Selfish, huh?! Well, Kaka loved Soul, NOT Kid. Kid was like a brother to her, she had never thought of him that way.

Light had gone to Makas face. She looked up and there he was. The bastard!!!!

Soul: Come out.

Maka: What do you want!!??

Maka has said in a harsh and had given him a death glare.

Soul: I love you!!

Soul had said to instantly.

Maka: No, no you don't.

Maka had said in a whisper.

A frown appeared on Souls face.

Soul: Why not?

Maka: No one will ever love me.

Another whisper had came out.
She thought of how no guy likes her and she was close to the verge of tears again.

Maka: I love you.

She whispered and Soul looked at her shocked and smiled. He loves her and she loves him. Still not knowing that Soul had loved those words that escaped her mouth that he always wanted to hear from her, Maka had tees on the corner of her eyes.

Soul: I really do love you. Your personality, attitude, eyes, chest, appearance, and most of all, your bravery!!

Maka looked up at him with a smile. He smiled even more, ear to ear.

Maka stood up and Soul grabbed her by the waist slamming his lips on hers.

Soul: Do you have to marry him?

Soul had said in a frown.

Maka: If someone asks me to marry THEM I'm free and I won't have to marry him.

Soul: Okay then.

Soul got on one knee and said the 4 words.

Soul: Will you marry me?

Maka: R-real-ly??!!?!?

Soul: Yes!

Maka: I will, Soul!!! I'll marry you!!

Soul: Great!!

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