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"Dreyar?" I asked, spinning around to meet his eyes. I joined the guild a few months ago, and just now relized that the infamous Laxus Dreyar was a part of it. I say he's infamous because a good while back when he tried to take over Fairy Tail, him along with his little friends, he ended up killing my father. Word spread quickly throughout my town when my father didn't return from his mission.

"You. You son of a-" I raced at him, but cold hands pulled me back.

"Don't." It was Gray. He was pulling me back and yelling at me.

"He'll kill you!"

"Not before I kill him!"

"What are you brats talking about?" Laxus glared at us in bewilderment.

"You, because you're a foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Gray couldn't smack his hand over my mouth in time.

"Is that so?"

"You killed my dad when you tried to take over Fairy Tail! You deserve to- mfff!" Gray managed to get his hand over my mouth and drag me away.

"I'm sorry." He looked at me. Memories clouded his gaze as he stared down at me.

"W-What?" I stared at him in shock.

"What is your name?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

"(y/n) (l/n)!" I stated proudly, but anger and bewilderment still bubbled in my core. This man killed my dad... and he was known for being a foul jerk, and he was saying sorry?

"I'm sorry for any pain I may have caused you, (y/n)." He sighed. Tears slowly formed in my eyes as I remembered hearing the news.

I leapt forward and wrapped my arms around Laxus' torso, for he was much bigger than me. He stared down at my crying form and looked over at Gray or Freed for help.

"What just happened?" Laxus mouthed to Gray. Gray shrugged in response.

"Um, it'll be okay, I promise." Laxus said awkwardly. "There, there."

I started shaking harder, and his eyes widened. "How did I made it worse?" He yell-whispered.

"You didn't, you dork." I looked up and my tears were dried. I started laughing again.

"You managed to be so awkward it's amusing." I laughed, and Laxus gave me the most exaperated look he could muster, but it soon melted into a crooked smile.

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