How you meet

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Ryan: At College, you were both studying music and ended up double booking a music room by accident so you performed for each other and things developed from there.

Brendan: In high school, Brendan was always one to voice his opinion and stand up for people so when that time of the year came round that people started picking out your flaws and tourmenting you with them, Brendan was there to stand up for you and always was after that.

Cian: At McDonalds, believe it or not.You both went up to the counter at the same time but in separate queues and ordered the exact same thing: 2 cheeseburgers, medium fries and a large frozen strawberry lemonade. You thought you were hilusinating at first& could hear two voices ordering your order but it was just Cian. You ended up eating together instead of the both you alone and things developed :)

Josh: At a meet and greet, you queued up for hours to meet the boys and you had the biggest smile on your face, you met all the lads, taking selfies and getting your cd signed on the way and when you finally reached Josh, you couldn't talk, for once in your life, you were completely gob smacked, "Hey, sunshine, you okay?" Josh asked waving a hand In front of your face. You finally came out of your trance and began to talk. "Yeah sorry, I just can't believe I'm actually meeting you, you've helped me through so much it's unreal" you say with emotion clear in your tone, Josh notices your sudden mood change and scribbles something down on paper and hands it to you. "How about you meet me at Nandos in a couple hours and we can talk about it, my treat" "I'd love that, Thankyou" "great, see you soon sunshine" you quickly gave him a hug and left with the same smile on your face you came in with.

Dean: At work, you both had started an intern at a local music studio, (think of it like Becca and Jesse on pitch perfect) so you spent a lot of time together stacking shelves, playing instruments and building a great friendship.

Dayl: At a dance class, your best friend made you start a street dance class with her, you could already dance pretty well so you didn't need any help. When the instruction announced that it was time to free style, you knew that was your chance to show off and you did. After leaving the centre of the circle, a young man came over to you and handed you some paper, "Hi, You were really good, we should work together sometime, I'm Dayl by the way"

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