Best friend in the band

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Ryan: Brendan. With Ryan being the oldest and Bren one of the youngest you found that Bren went to Ryan a lot for advice which brought them closer together so whenever Ryan was around, Brendan probably wasn't far behind and when Ryan wasn't around, you and Brendan would go to each other for advice which brought you closer together as well.

Brendan: Dean. Dean always gave off this very friendly vibe so he was easy to get along with. As soon as you two had met, you instantly clicked but you both knew it would be nothing more than friends and you were completely fine with that. You could always have a laugh together and confide and comfort each other. Brendan knew how close you were and sometimes got a little jealous but you always reminded him he was your one and only.

Cian: Dayl. Well, it's pretty obvious the lads have a bromance going so whenever you were around with lads, Cian and Dayl would be inseparable so whenever it was just you and Cian, Dayl would be around somewhere and they liked to look out for each other so Dayl looked out for you when Cian was and wasn't around.

Josh: Ryan. Because Ryan was the oldest, he became the daddy of the group and a big brother figure to you which meant he wasn't afraid to have a go at the lads if needed. So whenever you needed comfort and Josh wasn't around, Ryan would be the first person you go to.

Dean: Josh. Because Josh is the youngest, meant he was one of the most fun because he hadn't matured as much as the others yet. You two were always pranking the lads together and having a laugh. You knew you would never develop any feelings for Josh because you had Dean and they all knew that.

Dayl: Cian. Cian was always up for a giggle and you two were alike so you always had a laugh together, it's an amazing friendship as well because of how close Dayl and Cian are anyway. But whenever things got serious, and you'd argued with Dayl or he wasn't around, you would go to Cian straight away

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