Lazy days - rtp

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Ryan: You loved to bake, but Ryan wasn't that good at it so you'd spend your lazy days baking because you had plenty of time to clean up whatever mess was made, most of the time it was Ryan spilling flour and icing sugar everywhere or dropping eggs. He would often throw flour at you on purpose so you would have an ingredients fight with whatever you could find but in the end, Ryan would just end up pulling you in for kisses, despite what you have on you.

Brendan: On your lazy days, you and Bren would film loads of covers and relationship videos and things like that, Brendan would sing and you'd play the guitar. Then you'd do the bf&gf tag together and upload them onto YouTube, the fans thought you two were so cute together.

Cian: When your both available, you and Cian would just walk around, go to Starbucks and pick up lunch then go back home and get back in bed and watch movies until it was actually time to sleep if you hadn't already.

Josh: You and Josh spend your lazy days cuddling and watching movies all day, weather it be on Netflix or just on telly. With a lot of food, you'd make a trip especially to dominos and buy loads of pizza and dominos cookies so keep you entertained all day.

Dean: You and Dean would go to the local park on your lazy days, you'd play on the swings, the climbing frame and anything else that the kids weren't on. After you both would just walk home via the closest takeaway and sit watching chick flicks until you both went to bed.

Dayl: Because you both love to dance, you and Daly would spend your lazy days in your pjs dancing around your living room, you obviously had a lot of sweets and fizzy drinks to keep your energy going but at the end of it, you would just cuddle up on the sofa, falling asleep.

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