Chapter 4: Goddess turned Teacher!

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Shade's Point of view:

After the weekend was done we all just went straight to school, I may or may not have been dragged there by my sister, but either way today started off with a school assembly.

I found it fishy since there really aren't many during the school year but I shrugged it off. I sat next to my sister that separated the guys and girls from our group, the new Unova Trio just in front of me. I was completely bored out of my own mind, flicking up sparks of electricity from my hand in an attempt to bring entertainment to myself while I waited for the assembly to begin.

"Sorry for the delay everyone. Please remain seated and pay close attention to the assembly, we have some special announcements to make." Principal Lucario said through the microphone.

"Thank Amaterasu...." Shina muttered, making me grin as a response.

"Now as everyone may know we are receiving a new class this year, everyone will be on their best behavior on they're arrival. After all we want them to receive a warm welcome, not trouble." Principal Lucario stated.

There was a small pause, making me raise an eyebrow. "That's nothing new though.... Okay this is definably fishy..." I thought to myself.

"And to make sure of it we'll be assigning a new teacher here. It would be great for both parties as most of us here might know her already. Please step forward." Principal Lucario said.

My jaw dropped to the ground, Shina looked as shocked as I did when the new teacher stepped forward.

It was my own mother, Light of the Sun. The world is cruel, really cruel....

She was wearing a red pencil skirt, a white long sleeved blouse and red heels. Her white and red hair was up in a high ponytail, her typical dragon tails covering the sides of her head. One of her many rosaries was around her neck like some sort of necklace that hovered and moved. Her markings were still there, so was her ears and tail.

I couldn't help but shrink down in my chair, hiding my pink face with my hands as I did.

"Dude some guys are staring at your mom...." Nahiko whispered, nudging me with his elbow.

"Now is not the time Nahiko. He's having a mental breakdown...." Ryu whispered back.

"Thank you for having me here. It's an honor really, hopefully we can all get along. And for the new one's my name is Light of the Sun, pleasure to make your acquaintance." My mom said.

"That is all for today. Get back to your classes everyone, dismissed." Principal Lucario said and we all went back to our classes.

Well almost everyone, me and Shina went straight over to mom and dragged her over to a corner.

"Mom?! Why are you a teacher?!" Shina asked.

"Embarrassed that your mom is going to be a teacher eh?" Mom asked with a small smile.

"Yes! Guys were staring at you and your married!" I exclaimed my cheeks still pink from the comment Nahiko made.

She chuckled and patted us on the head.

"Relax I was sent here by the Council, your father knows I'm here. They asked me to keep an eye on the school, so here I am." She explained, making us both sigh in relief.

"Wait mom who's teacher are you going to be?" Shina asked.

"Well according to what they told me I'm going to be teaching all of the Legendaries classes. But just so you know I don't plan on giving special treatment just because your my kids." She stated as the bell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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