Chapter 1: New Region?

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Shade's Point of view:

"WAKE UP LAZY BONES!!!" The all too familiar voice yelled in my ear.

I groaned and looked at the person who decided to wake me up. Yep my sister, Shina of the Sun. She's exactly 16 years old and a few inches shorter than me. She has long white hair like mother and red ruby eyes.

Getting a better look at her her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with a few strands covering the sides of her head and was wearing our school uniform. Which was a typical blue skirt, white long sleeved shirt with a blue ribbon on it and black shoes.

I sat up and yawned lazily. "Finally!!! Geez I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour!" Shina stated smacking me lightly on my shoulder.

"What did you expect? I'm a heavy sleeper." I said standing up and start getting dressed for school.

"Nii-san is a lazy wolf. You'll never get Crescent to like you with that attitude." Shina said making my ears twitch and a deep blush to creep up on my face.

"Urusai baka ookami." I stated and finished getting dressed in a white long sleeved shirt, dark blue pants and black shoes then walked out of my room.

Shina walked beside me with a victorious grin on her face as we headed into the kitchen. Like every morning mom and dad greeted us there.

My mom not looking a day older than 18 was wearing her white and red kimono with her long white and red hair down and light blue eyes looking at us with happiness and all the love in the world.

My father didn't look like he aged much since 18 either. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans with his abnormal gravity defying white and gold hair. The outer part of his eyes are an emerald green while the inner part of his eyes are ruby red. Kinda abnormal for your typical dad to have but I got used to it since I was born.

And the all too familiar scar tracing one of his eyes from war time....

"Ohayo kaa-san and tou-san." Shina and I said at the same time.

"Ohayo." They greeted back.

"You two nervous for the first day of school?" Mom asked handing us our lunch.

"Nah. It's school not prison mom." I answered.

"Try escaping the over gawky girls then." Dad said chuckling while I sweat dropped.

"It'll be fine mom I'll keep an eye on Shade." Shina said with confidence.

"Also.... Kick any boys ass if they go near you or I'll do it myself...." Dad said in a very frightening tone.

I double sweat dropped. "My family is insane...." I thought to myself.

"Anyways be sure to behave yourselves. And be back home safe." Mom said placing a kiss on our foreheads.

"We will." I said and we ran out of our home and got to school just a second before then bell rang.

I sat beside my sister like always and my friends close also when the teacher came walking in. Luck was on our side cause Miss Gardevoir was the same teacher mom and dad got when they were at school.

"Class we have exhilarating news! A new classroom has opened up titled to 'Kalos Legendaries'. They are from the Kalos Region, just a few ways above the Unova Region." Miss Gardevoir explained pulling down a map and pointing at the area Kalos was in.

"New Region eh? Better tell dad about this later..." I thought to myself as a piece of paper floated to my desk.

I opened it up and it said: "Dude we need to be careful. Who knows what trouble might cause because of this. And none of us want to go back to 'that time' again."


I looked at Ryu and nodded in agreement. None of us wanted war again. Seeing up hand how it affected my parents, the environment and everything else around us. It was horrible and cruel.

Just as Miss Gardevoir finished explaining then bell rung and I made a dash for the outside lunch room. And for holy who knows what my sister was already there!

=_= I swear to my great grandfathers grave she HAS to be cheating! She must have! Trickery I tell you! >_<

"Hey what took you so long?" Shina asked eating her lunch.

I sat underneath the tree and laid back while eating an apple mom got me. "You cheated." I said plainly.

"Maybe...." Shina said smirking.

"Ha! I knew it!" I thought to myself but kept my cool.

After a few seconds the gang pulled in and I stood up. "Yo bro." Nahiko said and we high fived while my sister and Crescent muttered something about boys.

"Guys I really think it would be a good idea if we told our parents about the whole new region." Giro said and we nodded.

"Definably. If not they'll find out eventually and they won't be that happy so to speak." Dark said.

"Big time." Nahiko stated with an eye roll.

Just suddenly I was tackled to the ground from who knows what. I growled slightly with the fact the back of my head made contact with the floor in a rough way. And look up at the ones responsible for this.

Turns out it was the now 13 year olds known as SilverIce, Flame and Zeno grinning at me. Also known as the New Unova Trio.

"Whatever happened to the 'element of surprise not working on me'?" SilverIce asked laughing a little and the others did too.

"Okay okay so you guys got me. Don't get too cocky though." I said.

"Yeah yeah we heard ya big bro." Zeno said and the three of them helped me up from the ground.

You must be asking: 'Why do they call me big brother when we're not even related?' To answer that is because I took care of them before and they respect me like an older brother. Clear enough for you? (Fourth Wall Breaker Alert! :3)

"Hey did you three happen to hear about the Kalos class?" Crescent asked.

"Yeah. Hope trouble doesn't come our way for that." Flame said.

"Please have you met us? We've been trouble since birth." Shina stated making me sweat drop.

"Not entirely. That I remember anyways....." I mumbled the last part to myself and rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

_________Time Skip!__________

After school me and Shina walked home and what was surprising we found mom and dad walking there too.

My mother was the first to notice us and waved. "Hey you two how was school?" Mom asked as we walked into the temple.

"Boring but social." I answered.

"Where you two on a meeting today?" Shina asked.

"Yeah apparently there's a new region called Kalos now. There's peace between them for now." Dad said.

"Funny the school has been telling everyone of this new class called Kalos Legendaries." I said.

"Well looks like everyone is expecting good things for now." Mom said and we nodded.

For the rest of the day we just had some family time and then straight to bed. Well I stayed up late to draw a nice ink picture of my mom.

I wasn't as good as her but I practice a lot. And practice always makes perfect. But later I found myself drifting off to dream land with a certain psychic type in it.

If you catch my drift.


You honestly think I'd forget about this did ya? Oh heck nah! This series is awesome after all! :3

Anyways did you guys like the first chapter of the end series book? If so don't forget to:


Cherryblossomnicole is out peace!

Book 3: New Generation of Legendariesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن