Chapter 2: Shina's got a Crush?! Part 1!

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Shade's Point of View:

"WHAT?!?!" A voice yelled threw the temple and,due to sensitivity, I fell on out of my bed holding my ears in pain.

"GAHHHH!" I screamed rolling around the ground still holding my ears.

I stood up from the ground and growled loudly. "SERIOUSLY?! It's SATURDAY! That means I get to sleep all day!" I screamed into a pillow and threw it at the ground angrily.

I am not happy when it comes to being woken up early in the morning. I may be a heavy sleeper but with a voice like THAT nobody can sleep! Not even me!

I lazily put on some dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a red and orange flame pattern on it, and left my hair how it normally is. Messy but suiting me just fine.

And headed to where the source of the one who woke me up from my slumber. It was in the front of the temple courtyard with a rather pissed off dad, my mom trying to calm him down and my sister just standing there.

I walked up to them and yawned catching my mom's attention.

"Mom..... Why is dad yelling in the middle of the morning?" I asked yawning again.

"Well.... It seems your little sister has a little crush and your father isn't taking it rather well...." Mom explained.

I lazily looked at my father and sister. My dad looked like he was just about to Hyper Beam someone in the face while my sister has a bit of pink blush on her face. I raised an eyebrow and looked back at my mom.

"I see..." I said and walked right between my dad and sister, staring right at my dad.

He stared back at me and we had a little stare off for a few minutes.

"You know she's old enough to be dating." I said breaking the silence.

"Hm." Dad said shrugging.

"Cut me some slack dad it's just a baby crush. Not like I'm gonna marry the guy." Shina said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine. I'll allow it for now..." Dad said with a sigh in defeat.

I yawned and started walking back to my room. "I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when something happens." I said and continued walking.

"Alright." Mom said from behind me.

I said I was going to sleep right? Well I took a detour to the kitchen grabbed a few Oran berries and then went to my room. Can't blame a guy for being hungry. :|

I threw myself in bed, literally, and closed my eyes to go to sleep. I tossed and turned but just couldn't get to sleep. "Thanks a lot dad.... Now I can't get to sleep." I thought to myself with a grunt.

I sat up and turned into my wolf self, my mothers side of the family obviously, and curled up into a ball. And by ball I mean looking like a big pile of fluff in the form of a ball.

I've gotten pretty big over the years. Just a little bit smaller than my mom but wayyyyy bigger than my sister. My mom just calls it a 'growth spurt' but clearly we all know what it is. If you catch my drift.

Though every time I go into my Pokemon self, dad's side of the family, I look like a Rattata compared to my dad. A. Flipping. Rattata. That's how small I look to my dad and I'm not exaggerating either. He straight up told me one day: 'Didn't your mom say you got bigger? No offense but your like a rattata...'

Yeah great father. Father of the Year, Arceus. Not. (XD Lolololo!)

Truth to be told, yes I'm still pretty small in my Pokemon self, but I'm getting to my fathers size. Not that quickly but still I'm getting there.

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