Another Silver Tongue

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She loved books. You could never catch her without a book. She was a special girl, Kayla. She was a Silvertongue, anything she read aloud from a book would come alive. She avoided reading aloud, but sometimes, when she really needed something, she'd get it.
But there was always a consequence, there always is. If she reads something out, something goes in. That's why she avoided reading around her family, she would not bare to see one of them trapped in another world.
Her second cousin, once removed, Mortimer, is just like her. A Silvertongue, his daughter Meggie, too. Meggie once read herself into a book, she got out of course, who would tell the tale?

Anyways, back to Kayla. She was almost 20 years old, and already graduated from high school, had a job(not in a library unfortunately, they weren't hiring), and lived with her parents. She didn't have enough money to buy or rent her own place to stay. College was never an option, it was also too expensive. Her job, by the way, was a medicine man's apprentice, finding herbs for medicine, making medicine(the town she lived in was way too far from the nearest drug store), she was getting quite good at it. Probably because she read every book and nursing textbook in the place, everything from herb identification to gardening to harvesting to brewing. Soon, she would be the town's medicine lady. Everyone would come to her for treatment and prescriptions. She got paid twenty dollars each week for helping Mr. Wes.
After work she would go the town library and check out a book. She had read them all. But, today was different.

The bell above the door jangled as Kayla entered the small building.

"Good evening, Kayla! Good news, just got new inventory from town! Want to help shelve them?" Ms. Takao, the librarian, smiled.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Kayla's green eyes sparkled with delight as she lent a hand.
Book after book she sorted onto each shelf until she came to a collection of three books, bound together with a leather strap and silver buckle, very old fashioned paper back books. On the front in gold letters wrote: The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. J.R.R Tolkien.

"As a reward you can check those out first. Thanks for the help." Ms. Takao nodded towards Kayla.

"Thanks!" Kayla replied and ran back home.

"Hey mom! Ms. Takao gave me these new books!" Kayla stopped in front of her mother, who was watching TV at the moment.

"Uh huh. You're making a better wall then a window there, Kayla. Go upstairs why don't ya?" Her mother waved her away. Kayla's parents couldn't care less about her or her books. Kayla loved them, but they didn't love Kayla.
The smile on her face faded away, and she walked up to her room. She set the collection down on her desk and took out the first book.

"The Fellowship of The Ring." She read aloud, then slapped her hand over her mouth. "Better watch your tongue, Kayla." She mumbled.

She then plopped her self down on her bed, kicked off her shoes, and began to read.
Right after the first sentence she fell in love. The first chapter amazed her, the description of these creatures called Hobbits was amazing, for she'd love to live in Bag-End with Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. The second chapter she read without even trying, like muscle memory. By the next day, she had finished the book(that day was her day off so she spent the whole day reading). She looked over at the other two books. 'The Two Towers' was next.

"Tomorrow." Kayla said to herself. She glanced over at the clock, it was almost 6:00. Her parents were probably expecting dinner. They stopped cooking after they discovered that I graduated with an A+ in cooking. Walked through the living room passing her mother who was still watching TV. From the kitchen she could see her father taking a smoke. His face already wrinkled and hollow. Kayla opened the window and called out to him.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked, or supper, she thought, remembering the seven meals hobbits had each day.
Her father looked at her and let out a puff of smoke. She tried to imagine him as Gandalf with a pipe, but failed.

"I don't know. Something with meat." He replied. She didn't know why she even asked, he always replied with that answer.
Kayla walked over to the pantry and spotted the pasta. Spaghetti and meatballs. She grabbed the box and set in on the counter, got some water boiling and started to make the meatballs. Soon the preparing was done and Kayla set the table. She walked over to the living room.

"Its time for dinner." She notified her mom, then went outside to get her dad.

"Dad, it's time for dinner." She called. Her dad nodded and dropped his cig on the ground and put it out with his boot. Kayla went back inside and sat down next to her mom.

"Don't sit too close." Her mom said serving herself. Kayla scooted away and served herself. The man of the house walked in and sat himself down.

"I thought we had Spaghetti last night." He grumbled.

"No dad. That was last week." Kayla replied.


After dinner Kayla cleaned up the kitchen and went back up to her room,
changed into her pajamas and went to bed, excited to start the second book.

I'm sorry if half of you don't know where this Silvertongue thing is coming from, it's based off of the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke. It's a magical trilogy. K.. Thanks 4 reading, please leave a comment, they are much appreciated!

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