Chapter 21: Shut up before I hit you with this book

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Mikey's POV 

I was awoken by someone shaking me. I felt someone laying in my arms, and I saw Candace's beautiful face. I smiled down at her, before looking up to see a couple men that worked at the hotel. "Are you okay?" They asked. I nodded, and looked at Candace's face, peacefully sleeping. She was absoluty beautiful. "It's morning, you two should get back to your room." I nodded at them, and then shook Candace. She yawned, and got out of my embrace, her face as red as a tomato. I laughed, and helped her up. We walked out of the elevator, and back to our rooms. But before I walked into mine, I ran over to her, and gave her another hug, and slipped something into her hand. "Don't let anyone else see that beautiful." I whispered in her ear before running into my room. I saw her blush and smile before I closed my door. Wow, we are only a couple doors down from our twitter girls. Should I keep this from the rest of the boys? Or should I tell them about who I got stuck in an elevator with? Oh god, this is going to be hard. 

I got bombarded with questions as soon as I closed the door. The boyz were pratically on top of me as they asked if I was okay, and various types of other questions. Nick, being the one to ask if I got food. Everyone stared at him, and burst out laughing. We are really big goofballs sometimes. "Sorry Nick, no I didn't have time to get food becuase I was to busy getting stuck in a elevator the whole night. By the way, what time is it?" I asked, the boys checked their watches and phones, Jason, being the one to tell me. "It's 12. We have to start getting ready and pratice a bit. Let's go get our outfits from our mom's." We grabbed a room key and our phones, and all ran to the mom's room. 

2 hours later...

Gabbie'a POV

I examined myself in the mirror smiling. Wow, I think I actually look good. "You always look good Gab. Shut up before I hit you with this book." Ang laughed, flipping in a page in her zombie book. She was obsessed, and would read it to me to freak me out. It was June, so I had on dark denim shorts, and a black button up quarter length silk shirt, and a pair of white sneakers. Ang was wearing  a pair of regualr denim shorts, a t-shirt that said "Nerd Swag" on it, she got it made, and a pair of white jordans. Candace had on black shorts, a white tank top with a loose over shirt that said Love with a cross, and combat boots. Kat was wearing red shorts, a white shirt that had a black heart in the middle, and black low top converse. "Let's go everyone!" Kat yelled, opening the doors. We ran out, and started running down the hallway singing, rather loudly, your love is my drug. Oh how much I would pay to see all the boyz perform that again. 

The boyz show was starting soon, and they were having the meet and greet after because of a surprise reason that we will know as soon as the lights go out. I'm kinda bummed, becuase now none of us will be picked to dance with the boyz, but thats okay. The lights soon went out, and I grabbed my phone quickly along with the other girls. Then, the TV screen came on, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the boyz. The introuduction video for when they were on ABDC. tears started coming out of my eyes as Mikey and Louis started to rap and the others moved their heads along to the beat. I saw the love in Ang's eyes as she stared at Jason. Tears starting to form. Happy ones. Very soon, every single one of the boyz were coming out on stage, one by one, introucing themselves, and then the music started and the lights came on. The blue and black outfits, and the music. Your love is my drug. 

Twitter girl (Jason Smith)Where stories live. Discover now