Chapter 34: I'll see her again

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Jason's POV

I was woken up by Louis jumping ontop of me and Mikey. "Louis what do you want." Mikey groaned. I just turned over onto my side. "The girls! There gone!" Mikey, Vinny, Madison, and I jumped up at that. The sudden movement from me and Mikey made louis fall to the ground. "Ouch!" He yelled. "How do you know the girls are gone?" Vinny yelled the question, jumping out of bed, almost falling out of bed in the process. Louis held up a letter, and we wall jumped onto him. "You are breaking Louis!" Nick ran into the room yelling, dragging louis from under us. We all laughed, and Mikey began reading it aloud. "Boyz, Ang, Gab, Kat, and Candace here. By the time you read this, we will be at the airport, and most likely all of us will be on our flights. We apologize for not telling you about this. We love you boyz and thank you for making this the best experience of our lives." Mikey stopped in the middle, looking at us, and then handing it to me to continue. 

"We left at 6o'clock am. It's gabbie right this, and my flight is at 10 am. Kat's is at 9, Candace's is at 10, and Ang's is at one. We love you boyz once again, and you know how to talk to us if you want to. Love, Gabbie, Kat, Candace, and Ang." I put the letter on my lap, and looked at the clock in my room. It was 11:30 am. They will call Ang's flight at 12:30. So I have a chance to catch her before she gets on. "Guys get ready, were going to the airport!" I announced, running around the room and throwing on random clothes. "But what about our moms?" Vinny asked, throwing on something besides his girafee onsie. Yes, you read that correct. "They will find out we went eventually. We will get in alot of trouble, but that okay." Mikey and Madison said in unison, and then laughed. By 11:45 we were out the door, and getting into a taxi. 

We got to the airport at 12:15, and I had no idea how we were going to get to Ang without our tickets. "Guys how are we going to get to Ang? She is probaby already past security and everything." I said, worried. "Let me handle it." Louis said calmly. He then ran up to a security guard, and then they walked back over. "Lets go find her kid." The security guard announced, starting to walk, I followed close behind, stunned at how Louis did that. We got to where everyone was waiting for there flights, and the guard waited as I searched around. I looked all around, and whhen I couldn't find her, they called her flight. I watched everyone who got up, and then I saw a girl. And that girl, was Angelina.

She saw me, and rubbed her eyes just to make sure she wasn't imagining me. I walked towards her, and hugged her tight. "Don't go Ang." I said. She got out of the hug, and kissed me. "I have to Jason. You have my numberr, text me. I Love you." She hugged me again, and then walked off. She turned around after she handed them her ticket, and blew me a kiss. Angelina was then out of my sight. I walked back to the guard, and we walked back to the boyz. "Did you find her?" They asked. I nodded. "Then where is she?" Nick asked. "Going home." I answered. I'll see her again. I know I will. 

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