Chapter Two: Inspiration

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Micheal-ann Welsh slid to the floor of the apartment building's landing gathering her head in her hands as soon as the front door behind her. Tears stung at the back of her eyes, for what reason she wasn't quite sure.

She wasn't quite sure of a lot at the moment as the last thirty minutes played out like a movie reel in her brain, taunting her. She hadn't done anything like that before in her life, hadn't even thought of it.

Micheal-ann was waiting for the sense of disgust for the Finnish man to rush over her, breathing shallowly. She was surprised further when she felt none, realizing that although she was appalled at the fact that she just had random stranger sex, she wasn't disgusted at THE sex.

Micheal-ann in every where had loved the rough, quick sex that her and Ville had just shared. It was oddly erotic that while they had sex, they had never kissed. They hadn't needed any foreplay of any kind, they had just needed a release. Micheal-ann had never needed someone that quickly, let alone a complete stranger.

"What are you doing in the hallway Micheal?" Micheal literally jumped and looked to where Alexandra Welsh hung out from the stair door with a quizzical look on her face.

With light brown hair cut short, a heart shaped face, and large brown eyes, Micheal's cousin reminded her of a pixie, or a nymph. Standing at five feet, with the skinniest build she'd ever seen, it only added to the image.

Collecting her thoughts Micheal-ann clumsily stood up from the floor smiling as wide as her face woiuld allow her.

"I was taking a breather, cause I was tired. Because I had been walking all the way from t he bar, not because I was doing anything else."

Alexandra cocked an eyebrow before rolling her eyes and jerked her head towards the stairs.

"Well come on creep, I've got karjalanpiirakka baking in the oven, and we, my dazed cousin, are celebrating."

Moving to the stairs, Micheal-ann followed her cousin trying to focus her thoughts to the rice filled pastry rather than the man she'd just trysted with.

"What are we celebrating?"

"The fact that this is your last week of freedom before your classes start up."

"Were celebrating that?"

"Were Finnish. We use every excuse to booze." Micheal-ann couldn't help but laugh as she closed the second story flat's front door and peeled her coat off her still warm body.

Alex ran to the open kitchen and pried open the small oven's door humming underneath her breath, as sure enough two eight packs of beer sat on the counter as well as a carton of cigarettes.

As she went to set her jacket on the small coat racket, a crinkle of paper reminded her of the passes that the Finnish man had given her and she slowly pulled them from her pocket. They were black with a weird design on the front that had a heart within a triangle. In bold letting also in black were three letters. HIM. The rest was in Finnish, leaving her confused.



"Have you ever heard of an artist named HIM?"

The scoff that followed her question made Micheal-ann turn around the face the kitchen where her cousin was closing the oven with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

"Have I heard of HIM? Is that a joke? Weren't you just in Aikuisten lelukauppa?"

"You've literally answered my question with three more Alex. How about an answer?"

Alex gave her a vicious glare before moving to pull a beer from the pack, and took the cap off with her hand, taking a small sip before shrugging.

"Yeah, they are well known in Finland. The lead singers father owns the sex shop across the street. Why?"

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