Chapter Five: Persistance

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The pain that ebbed at Micheal-ann's hips, nose and lip were practically non-existent as a pair of lips nibbled at the base of her throat. The lips were joined by a sensual hand that massaged her waist, as a pleasant weight rested on the right side of her body warming her.

She didn't bother to open her eyes, as she submitted to the treatment lost in the sensation as well as her own drowsiness that left her in a dream like state.

The nibbling intensified until she could feel teeth slightly biting into her flesh and scraping against her collarbone, stretching a soft moan from her lips slowly. Opening her eyes hazily, she made out a man's form resting against her check, brown hair strewn across her nearly bare chest.

The lips and teeth stopped for a moment and an equally drowsy voice greeted her with a baritone so deep and sensual, she felt her self lulling back into her dream state.

"Good morning sweet."

Micheal-ann couldn't find the words to answer and simply gave up trying as she basked in the muddled accented words.

A soft kiss whispered against the same spot that had just been abused, as the weight that rested against her began to move and she found her self gripping onto the form giving out a whine of annoyance.

A deep rolling laugh filled her senses, drowning her, as blissfully the weight returned warming her body. She blinked very slowly as she glanced down, her lips turning up into a lopsided goofy smile.

"Haloo Ville Valo." Ville couldn't control the shiver that ran throughout his body, at his name on her lips, sending goose bumps to the very tips of his toes, as he hesitated to replace his lips on Micheal-ann's throat watching her as she slowly came to.

The cotton comforter was pooled at her hips, leaving the rest of her body open to the frigid Finnish air, and yet she was practically sweating from the heat that radiated from their combined bodies. Making a noise of content, Micheal-ann pointed her toes and slowly stretched out her body.

Ville's arm remained across her stomach, his chin resting on her shoulder, silently watching her as she reached her free arm above her head biting her lip as she yawned for good measure, her muscles turning to mush. She felt the rip in her lip pull and instantly ceased the yawn, clacking her mouth shut with such force her teeth went numb for a seconds.

The way she innocently sighed and nestled herself closer to his body made Ville genuinely smile as he tightened his grip on her waist, her skin soft against his course fingers.

After a few more moments of awakening her body, Micheal-ann finally looked at Ville and found him watching her with a smile and an expression in his eye she couldn't quite make out. Pushing away the itch to know what it was, she smiled sweetly back at him.

"So, what's the plan rock star?" Ville didn't speak for a good minute after her question simply drinking her in as his thoughts rushed through his head at rates that sent him reeling.

He had joked many times before when he'd been asked by interviewers and such that he did not date. That Finnish men in fact did not date, and with that had no interest in females, other than the fall in love. He had denounced one night stands, having never truly had one that was worth the empty bed in the morning, and he had taken to thinking of love simply as a fairytale. Something that one heard about from a friend, of a friend who had a happily ever after that one time ten years ago. He'd watched as his friends fell for women who wanted to control them, and in turn ran amuck with emotions and set up fights to feel any emotions they could get their hands on. They ruined themselves as well as their relationships over petty squabbles that didn't mean anything.

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