Chapter 1

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6 years later

Mabel Pov.

6 years since me and Dipper were separated, it was kinda boring here with out him. I was at my room, browsing at my laptop.

Summer was about to end, and I still haven't thought of what course in college I should take!So was looking at some colleges that would suit me.

Ding Dong!

I hear our door bell, but I ignored it, since my mom was down stairs.

Ford Pov.

Me and my brother were in his car, when we reached Mabel's house, Stanly turned to face me with concern.

"You think they'll buy it?" Stanley asked, "Of course they will, but Mabel..."

Stan nodded. Mabel wasn't going to buy our story, cause she's the only one who knows the truth.

Stan sighed, "Let's get this over with." hr said, giving me a straight face, I nodded.

We bought hopped off his Stanly mobile, and went to the front door. I glanced at Stan and he nods his head. I breathed in, then out and rang the door bell.

Ding Dong!

"Oh! hold on!" we hear a woman's voice, then the door opened, "Oh! Uncle Stan and Ford, what are you doing here?" she asked, "Well we w-" "Honey! Who's a- Uncle Ford and Stan! What are you doing here?" my nephew John came to view, "Well, we came to talk to you guys and Mabel." Stan says.

"Oh okay, Hannah, get Mabel." John told his wife and she follows, "Come in." he says and he welcoming us.

The three of us sat at the couch, then Mabel and her mom came down, "Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!" she cheered and tackled us on the couch, hugging us to death, "Hahaha! Good to see you to kiddo!" Stan says rubbing his hand on Mabel's hair.

"What brings you two gizzers here? And where's Dipper!?" she asked excitedly, me and my brother exchange glances before facing our family, "That's why were here Mabel." I told her pulling out Dipper's cap from my pocket. It had a bit of blood on it, and everyone stared at it.

"What happened?" Mabel asked still fixed on the cap.

///one explenation about Dipper dying on a accident in the bus, later///

Hannah was in tears, "No no! You must be joking!" she says choking on tears, "Hannah...I'm sorry I-" She stood up and ran to the back, "Excuse us." John says wiping his tears and follows his wife.

Me, Stan, and Mabel watched them as they left. She then glances back at us, "Okay spill, what really happened?" she asked, actually she was demanding to know, I sighed, "I don't know." I told her, "What do you mean you don't know!?" she yelled, "I mean I don't know!" I yelled back, and she backed up.

"Ford take it easy." my brother says, and I calmed myself, "Sorry." I muttered, "So...are you going to tell me?" Mabel asked desperately.

I looked down remembering what had happened, "It was a month ago." I told her.

///Flash back

"Great uncle Ford, you sure it's here?" Dipper asked as he kept digging, "Yeah kid just keep digging." I told him.

We were at the native south American burial ground. We were looking for the burial spot of the shaman that stopped Bill before, they say he as an item with magical properties that could equal, or better yet, best Bill's powers.

"This is so wrong, you know that right?" he asked as he kept digging on random graves, "Yeah, but we need to take risks if we want to stop Bill." I told him.


I hit something, "Okay please be it." I said hoping this was the right one, Dipper dropped his shovel and went over me.

The corps was well wrapped with fine garment, it had to be it. I gently untied the knot that held the blanket together, and revealed, a rotting to the bone dead man.

"UGH!" Dipper shouts as he covers his nose, so did I, "This smells worse than the last five." he says, then I noticed something, something shimmering under the clothes of the dead man.

I slowly put my hand in, disgusted as I touched the rot flesh. I put out my tongue and gave a disgust expression. Then I felt something, something hard, and God I hope it wasn't a bone.

I pulled it out, and saw a green stone, glowing and energy flowing. Me and Dipper were amazed at it, it was beautiful.

"We-we did it." I said, "After 4 years of finding clues, going through ruins, and dungeons, following any lead we could find." I said remembering everything that we did, "We finally have it Dipper! We have it!" I cheered.

We both laughed, and hugged each other on our victory. As things were just fine, suddenly, everything went dull, and the colors of the world faded, except for me and Dipper.

"Oh no..." I said in fear, "OH YES SIXER!" I hear a familiar annoying voice, me and Dipper glanced a the source of the voice and found, "Bill." we both said in unison.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you finally found the mother stone." he says pointing his cane at the stone. "That's right Bill! We finally got a fighting chance!" Dipper exclaims, "Hohoho! Someones a bit overconfident." Bill says, but Dipper glared at him.

I held the stone tightly, and a blast came out almost hitting Bill, "Hey Watch it Sixer!" Bill says turning a bit red, "Do it again!" Dipper yells, I point the stone at him and held it tight again. Another blast came out, hitting Bill's eye, "ARG!" he yels in pain.

His eye was now black, he began to enlarge, Shit. "Enough games sixer." his voice echoed and distorted, I aimed at him again but he kicks me with his giant foot.

I flew, hitting a dead tree, "great uncle Ford!" Dipper yelled, as he ran towards me. Then I see Bill's hand reaching to him, "Dipper! Look out!" Yelled but it was to late, before Dipper could respond Bill grabbed him.

"Let go of me! You one eyed freck you-" "Silence!" Bill yelled, and the stone floated to Bill's side, "I would like to stay and torture you sixer, but I got important things to attend to." he says then glances at Dipper struggling, "By the way, I'm burrowing pine tree for a bit. See ya!" he said with glee.

"What!?" I yelled, "Help! Great uncle Fo-" Dipper was cut off when they disappeared in blue flames.

///End of Flash back

I clenched my hands on my shoulders, remembering the dreaded day, "I saw that demon take your brother, and all I did was watch him do it." I said ashamed, "Mabel...I'm so-" I was cutoff when I was Mabel.

"It's okay, you did your best great uncle Ford. It's not your fault." she says, I teared up and hugged her back. "Don't worry, we'll get him." Mabel added.

We broke the hug, then her parents came back, "I'm so sorry how I acted earlier." Hannah says, "It's okay...we understand." Stan tells her.

"Mom, I wanna got to college at Gravity falls." Mabel tells Hannah, "What!?" me and Stanly were shocked, "I want to be able to visit Dipper whenever I have the time. Please mom." she begged, "Okay sweetie, but we can't come, me and dad still have work. So I guess you have to stay with Ford and Stan then." she says.

Mabel stands up and hugs her parents, "Thanks mom." she says, "Say hi, to Dipper for me." she says.

A/n: By the way, I made the introduction longer, go see what I added.

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