Chapter 4

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Ford Pov.

We walked down the old stone stairs. The were cob webs everywhere, but what did you expect form an old tomb? I looked around the old stone structure, and put out a flashlight.

"Uh...mister Pines, is this really a good idea?" asked a scared Pacifica, "Don't worry dear. I know half of what I'm doing." I said, "Half?!" Pacifica asked frantic. "Mabel, maybe we should wait outside." says Pacifica.

But Mabel was looking at Dipper's journal again. I pointed my gun in front, with my flashlight on top, cautiously walking the old stone hallways.

There were long holes, purposely to act as shelves. There were candles, old books, and skulls on them. Pacifica grabbed hold of Stan for protection, and she handle a category 10 ghost?

Finally, I found a torch hanging on the side of the wall. I took one and pulled out a lighter. I lighted the torch with a small flame, that soon grew in an instant on the torch. I handed it to Stan, and found Mabel still reading the journal.

"Found anything interesting?" I asked her, "I'm just looking at Dipper's personal notes." she says, turning pages, "Hey I just found an article about the white horse man." she says and reads it.

We kept walking down the dark empty halls, not knowing what was ahead.


I walked down with my two demon companions, until we reached a round shaped room, and a single door.

on the left side were two carvings, one was a symbol of a skull, and next to it was symbol of two swords in a x formation. On the right side of the door, was a crown, and next to it was a symbol of weighing scales. The ceiling was a dome, and it had a painting of the four horsemen circulating the globe.

"So...this is it?" Glob asked, then Flugnash bopped his head, "Obviously you stupid toad!" he says, "Why yo--" "Enough you two!" I ordered, and they flinched.

I looked around, and took a step forward. Suddenly the whole room trembled and some stones fell off. Meanwhile, with the Pines, they also felt the rumbling.

"What was that?" Glob asked, then the crown symbol glowed.

Then white smoke came out, circulating us, as it slowly took shape of a horse with two glowing red eyes.It shrieked and stomped it's way in front of me. It stared at me, with two beasty eyes, I stared back. Soon, the misty horse started two twirl into a twister, only staying in place.

Glob and Flugnash, stepped back, but I stayed and watched. As the wind slowly died, a figure could be seen. Soon we saw a man, wearing a long white cloak. It's collar covered half of it's face, O could see golden armor at it's upper torso, white pants, and a pair of armored boots. It had white hair, and thin crown, that you could hardly notice. And and it's right hand was a golden bow, and it's string glowed white.

The man stared at me, and it's head tilted, "Who are you?" the man asked, "I am Will, and these are Glob and Flugnash." I said waving my hands, gesturing my two companions. "Demons?" the man said, " are?" he asked.

I looked down, and unleashed my dark angel wings, "A fallen." he says, and points his bow at us. Then a glowing arrow appeared in it, "Now I know you are intruding," he says, "Indeed...but." I said, I showed him a charm, that shocked the man.

It was round and flat, about the size of a hand. It had three rings, each divided with symbols. At the center was skull.

"How did you get that? You are a fallen!" he stated, "It does not matter, but you know what authority I have when I have this." I said, and he puts down his bow, glaring at me, "Open the door." I ordered, he snarled at me, "Do it. Conquest." I said the horse man's name.

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