Chapter 3

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Mabel Pov.

I still can't believe that there are more monsters outside of Gravity falls, and great uncle Ford almost killed one.

I lay in my queen sized bed, with Paz and I told her everything.

"Ford really needs a psychiatrist, or someone to talk too." Pacific's says then played with her phone, "Hehe, yeah." I said.

Then everything went silent except, from Pacifica's constant tapping on her phone.

"Hey Paz?" I asked, "Hmmm?" she says, "What do you think our lives would be, if Dipper never left?" I asked, then she stops tapping.

Pure silence filled the room, as the tension builds up, "I...I don't know. But I bet it would have been a better one." she states then her eyes looked down sadly, "Yeah...better." I whispered but loud enough for her to hear.

I thought about the life I could have spent with Dipper, how highschool could had been if he was there, how I would I help him to get a girlfriend, or maybe we could kept trick or treating even if we were too old for it.

Knock knock!

I was snapped back into reality as I heard the knock, "Come in!" I said.

The door opened, and grunkle Stan's head peeked in, "You girls okay?" he asked, "Yeah, were good." Pacifica replies, "Great! cause I have some burrowed stuff from the hotel, that I really don't want to return." he says showing a sack.

"I guess something's never change." I said and giggled a bit, as I helped Stan hide his loot, "You guys are bad." Pacifica says with a devious smile, we both laughed and hid the sack.

Ford Pov.

Something's happening, the very nature of the supernatural is being disturbed, but how and why?

These thoughts went on in my head as I paced around. Then Stan and Mabel passed by carrying a sack, they stopped and Mabel waved at me.

"Don't even want to know." I said frustrated and kept pacing as the two left. If the supernatural balance is being shifted, I-err- we better start checking a few places, starting tomorrow.

I took out my journal, and looked at the destination we were going.

///The next day

"Group Meeting! Group Meeting!" I announced in the kitchen, Mabel and Pacifica rushed in, except for Stan who just woke up, "What is it point Dexter?" he asked yawning, "Were going on a trip." I said, "Is it-" "Yes it's Dipper related." I finished for Mabel.

She cheered silently, and I took my journal and a black one that belonged to Dipper. I stared at it for a moment, the kid gathered more information then I could in a year. And that's no joke. I turned and saw Mabel putting things in her back pack with Pacifica.

I walked to her with Dipper's journal on my hand, "Hey kid, I want you to have this." I said, "What is it? A nerd book?" she asked taking it, "It's your brother's journal. He made it to record his own findings, and I thought you should have it." I said, and Mabel was awe struck by this.

She looks at the journal and opened, "Great uncle Ford..." she says looking at me, her eyes watering. She suddenly hugged me, "Thanks." she says, I hugged back, "Hehe, no problem kiddo." I said and we broke the hug, and she wiped some tears off her face, "Come on, let's start the search." I stated.

We got into the car, and Stan put our stuff into the trunk, "Hurry up grunkle Stan!" Mabel yelled, "Shut your yaps!" Stan says and gets in the front with me at the driving seat.

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