1. Mother, I lied.

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: skylaeatpie

This was the moment I dreaded. The others are waiting to see what I would do; what I would say. I gulp. But... I can’t help it- I had to tell the truth; I had to tell sir what happened, what they did... because, otherwise I’d be lying, and lying was a crime- an unforgivable crime.

“They did it”

I clutch my mouth, but the damage was already done. I had spoken the words...

“I saw ’em with mah own eyes,” -I can’t stop now- there was no point anyway, “I was there. They the ones who did it, sir”

The old man’s face looms close to me. “Well, Matilda, thank you” That smile- it was as long as the horizon, and just like the horizon was unreachable, the smile never reaches the eyes. The eyes wink. The smile, if possible, seems to grow longer. “I can always count on you.”

A cold shiver runs down my spine. Don’t go away now, sir, I silently wish. It was strange- telling the truth always made me shiver. Don’t leave me now...

Another wink and a pat on my head.

But telling the truth’s the only option there is, isn’t it? ...please...

He left.

And they are upon me.

“Wad’ya do that for, huh?” A punch in my face.

“Yeah, what’s your problem?” A kick in my shin.

“We can’t trust you at all”

“Yeah, get your stupid ‘honest’ ass outa here, honestly!” “Ha-ha!”

“Bloody tattle tale!”

“Get outa here!”

“I don’t wanna see your face here ever again!” That punch gets one of my front teeth off. “Got that into your thick skull?”

I fall to the ground. Don’t get up- don’t even try. 'Cus... there is no point.

Every time this happened, I feel like yelling “Shut up! Shut up – you don’t understand” But soon I realised there just was no point. Because they didn’t understand. And they never will. So I take the beating.

“You promised, this time... that’s why...” even the smallest has something against me. And then...

They are gone. They are all gone.

Alone at last.  

I check to be sure. It’s just me, the wooden roof, the wooden floor, and the mass of spider webs connecting them. It is dark; and in the darkness, I finally let the feelings flow. I feel the pain I’d been blocking out. The hurt.

A tear made a spot on the dusty floor.


The road back home is dusty, and dark. And lonely- which was a good thing. I wanted to be alone. I like it- 'cus it’s easy. I don’t have to worry about... worrying any one. If only it could last...

I am already at the front door. I raise my hand to knock. Hesitate. Knock. “Mum, I'm home”

No reply. I repeat, a little louder this time. The door is opened before me.

She stands in the doorway. She is old, and tired, yet young and beautiful at the same time. Her hair is greying, her skin is wrinkling, she is older than most of my fri- my classmate’s parents; at least, that’s what I think.

“Come in” She did not smile.

I enter the house.

“Bruises” she notices, as I step into the light. Her voice was kind, but it wasn’t a comment; it was a question- a demand...

“I- um... I fell on the ground”

I had practised those lines all the way home. I hope I’d done it right.

She sniffs the air, almost as if she could smell it...

“A lie...”

It wasn’t a lie- not completely. I had fallen on my way home. I didn’t tell her.

“You’re lying.”

Well, I did fall on purpose, to give me an excuse- to prove I wasn’t lying. But the bruises show... I had forgotten...

She pulls me by my ear, and drags me to the kitchen. “Lies, what have I told you about lies?” Dumps me before the fireplace.

There is a thump. Pages turn.

“Proverbs 6:16-19 –listen, child! There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies- hear that? Lies, lies! What did you do, child? What was it?

She had pushed me to the floor, and planted me in a kneeling position.

“What was it? Answer me, girl”

“Lied” It was barely heard.

“What did you say?”

“I lied”

“That’s right you did- and now what do you do? What -huh?”

Liar, Liar- Mouth on Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें