7. Jolted back to the present

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There is a thump on my table.

I am wrenched out of my past, and am forced back into the present. I look up, and find myself staring into the cold grey eyes of Sir.

He lowers his face closer to mine. “I'll repeat that slower this time, so maybe you get it into your head.” The class erupts with laughter. My face goes red, and I want to shrink into a ball.

“It is your turn to do the sum. Did you understand that?”

Each word is said slow. With each word, I see each face in the class. Laughing. At me. I feel like I have never had so many eyes on my back as I walked up to the blackboard. Sir follows me. When I stop before the board, he hands me a piece of chalk.

The numbers were too high up. I reach on my tip toes. I stretch my hand out. My hand shakes, clashing against the board. The chalk cracks. Falls to the floor. I hear it- the room is silent enough for that. And then, noise. It fills the air. But I can’t hear. I can’t hear anything...

Focus on the question, I tell myself, focus. But I can’t... the letters are swimming around the board. I can’t catch them; I can’t sting them together. I need help; I need Sammy’s help...

My hands drop.

I had to face it. He wasn’t here anymore. I couldn’t just look back like that... I had to move on.

I look at the board again. It’s empty. The numbers were hiding from me, coz they didn’t want me to solve it. They didn’t want me to....

I shut my eyes.

“I can’t.”


Detention. That is why I am staying after school. That is why I have to go home late. That is why... but what should I tell Mother? She’d never see this as a good excuse, and I can’t tell her I'm in trouble because I couldn’t see the numbers....

I’d made that mistake before...

A small voice. “They disappeared, Mummy.... the words disappeared...”

A louder voice this time. Harsher. “What was that?!” A shudder down a small spine. “That doesn’t happen. Don’t lie, child!” A whimper. “That is not possible. I don’t want to ever hear this again!”

...and I'll never make it again.

A sob catches in my throat. I cough it down. The others are rushing out of the room. The bell had rung, and they are allowed to leave. Not me. I sit tight on my seat. There are only two others left. Sitting in the far corner. I shiver to myself.

I feel lonelier than ever.

Sammy... not here any more...

I take a deep breath. I have to last, I have to. That’s what Sammy would say. But- he was always here before. It’s easier with him. He was always here before. Now...

Before I could stop myself, I zone out into the past- back to the day, when I saw Sammy for the last time...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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