5. Under Contention

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"Bones! Check this out!"

Brennan slowed her pace as she entered her office.

"What are you doing on my computer?"

"Waiting for you."

She tilted her head and aimed her index at her desktop.

"I have private documents on there," she pointed out, throwing her bag on the couch.

"Relax, I was just using the Internet. Plus, you wouldn't keep personal stuff in your work computer."

"How would you know if you didn't look?"

"You just wouldn't. Now, come and check this out," he said again, waiting for her to get over herself and comply.

She sighed. Another lost battle. She walked up to him, with every intention of standing behind him. But she realized, at the last second, that this was her desk. Her chair. She pulled on his arm.

"Up, up," she instructed.

He didn't whine about it and let her sit.

"What am I looking at?" she asked.

"Hold on..." he said, leaning over her right shoulder. Her eyes closed as her stomach quivered. His right hand took control of the mouse. When his left hand landed on her left shoulder, she stopped breathing, afraid he would notice she was almost panting, and let a shiver run its course down her spine.

"What is this, Booth?" she almost whispered.

"You'll see... just... here."

He clicked once on an image and a video started playing. She didn't have time for this. So she made the time and started paying attention. It looked like some random short documentary about elephants. She had no idea Booth liked elephants. She turned her head to him, puzzled.

He motioned to the screen.

"Just watch, would you?"

So she did.

A woman was being interviewed. 'Every elephant that comes here searches out someone that she then spends most of her time with.'

She went to turn to Booth again, but he probably saw it coming, because he gently pushed her chin so she would stick her eyes on the computer.

So, the video was about some kind of elephant retreat. And how all the elephants found another elephant to be 'friends' with, as they said on screen. But there was one elephant who didn't find anyone, so it was stuck with a dog. And apparently, they were 'inseparable', which Brennan highly doubted. But the video went on. And she let herself believe the story she was being told.

One day, the dog got injured. And for three weeks, the elephant stood guard and waited outside the clinic where the dog was being treated. Every day for three weeks.

They showed a clip of a veterinarian bringing the dog outside to see the elephant. The reunion made Brennan's eyes starting to sting. She blinked a few times and willed the nonsense away.

The narration found its way to her insides. 'They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who, somehow, manage to look past their immense differences... If they can do it, what's our excuse?'

The video ended. She blinked again to make sure she wasn't crying like every one of the 3,427,155 people who had watched this. The number was written beneath the video.

"Are you crying?" Booth asked, mi-concerned, mi-proud of himself.

"Of course not."

He watched as she tried to hide it. And she raised an eyebrow.

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