Chapter 3

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Mel's POV

" I still love you Melanie, I wanna get back together. I've missed you all these months and just didn't have the courage to confront you about my feelings. Mel please give me a chance. Call me back."

Stephen. He broke my heart into pieces and crumbled them to dust. How could he possibly think I'd want to be with him again. Long story short, he made me not want to date ever again. That is until I met met Andrew. He is amazing and beautiful to me, the more we spend time together for school, I like him even more. I just don't want to get my heart broken again.

My phone started ringing again but this time it was Andrew.


"Hey Melanie, I'm on my way to the library and I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up something from the store....cause I thought you might be hungry during. "

"Oh haha no thanks I'm fine thanks. If you're hungry I could just fix you something before I leave my room"

"No that's"

"What? Were you gonna say setting else?"

"Yeah, can I pick you up ? I wanna go somewhere else to study if that's okay with you...."

"Yeah, sure. Where ? "

"It's at the cafe by my house, it's quiet but a nice place to focus."

"Cool, so what time should I be ready ?"

"I'll be there at 5, if that's cool ? "

"Yeah that's fine I'll see you soon."

"Okay bye Mel."

After he'd hung up I went to take a shower. By the time I was done it was 4:43p he'd be here soon. I slipped in some jeans, sneakers and a hoodie. I was putting my stuff in my book bag when I heard someone knock. I immediately knew who it was.

I opened the door and saw Andrew standing there. Neither of us said anything and the silence seemed to last forever, he spoke first.

"Hey Mel, you ready to go ?"

"Um yeah just let me grab my phone.."

"Okay I'll be waiting in the car"

I had already had my phone but I needed a moment to relax but all I could think about is the many directions this studying can go. I was walking to the car when I over heard Andrew on the phone.

"There's nothing I can do josh. I have no choice but to stop and visit them before telling them everything that happened. Her ? No way, all she wants is my money I don't have tome to go ask her for any favors. I'll talk to you later man, I gotta go. Alright bye, love ya bro."  He hung up his phone and was about to turn around and I just acted like I was just walking out of my dorm.

He saw me walking and he opened the door to his truck for me. It was such a big truck I had to climb in.

"You have a huge truck hahaha, what for ? "

"Well I've been told " he smirked before closing my door and going around to the drivers side door. I started blushing thinking about what he was hinting at.

"And to answer your question about the reason my truck is big...well I do a little construction to make me some money on the side. It's something I enjoy. " He admitted.

"That's cool. I'm actually minoring in architecture. I'm thinking about switching so that it can be my major instead of psychology. " I shared .

"Mel can I ask you something ? "

"Yeah, shoot." We had currently stopped at a stop light.

"I know we haven't really gotten the chance to actually talk about anything other than school work, but I wanted to know if we were just project partners or friends that are doing a project together ?"

"We can be friends, if that's what you're really asking..."

"Yeah....that's what I'm really asking."

"Well yes. We can totally be friends. You're a actually turned out to be the good guy after all. Hahaha"

" hahaha, after all ? What's that suppose to mean." He responded with an amused smile on his face.

"It means I thought you were like most guys. Douchebags, assholes, mean, ru-"

"Wow you must really had your share of experience with guys I would say"

"Actually I wouldn't say so. I've had friends who always fell for those kinds of guys. They all have this certain look haha I don't know how to explain it."

We make a left turn into a parking space in front of the beautiful loft type cafe. You can smell the fresh coffee from miles away.

"Well Melanie, this is it. Come on."

"It's so amazing" I said as we ascended up the stairs. When we walk in there was jazz music playing and people talking and smiling. They seemed to be having a good time. We both looked around for a place to sit and found a small booth near a window in the back of the cafe. We walked towards it and when we were feet away a couple sat there and looked at us with a smirk. I turned to Andrew to see if he was gonna say anything but his gaze was on the girl with a shocked look.

"Hey Andrew, crazy seeing you here."

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