Chapter 5

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Melanie's POV

"This project is way too cliche. I wish it were something other than Romeo and Juliet" I stated

"You have a point there. And I agree..."

"Are you done with your part ? "

"Oh Um yeah I'm finish. Why wouldn't I be ?

"Well you keep staring at me, thinking I wouldn't notice but I did, so I assumed you were done."

"Yeah sorry about that, it's just you do this thing with your mouth. You twist your lips to one side and bite the inside corner of your mouth in the opposite side. "

"Ahahaha I see you've been paying very close attention to my lips" I giggled but I was secretly getting butterflies from him admiring his attention to my lips.

"How do you do that ? I can describe it but I can't do it."

He suddenly stood up and sat next to me instead of across from me as usual. It was so quiet in the library I felt like my thoughts were echoing. He leaned one arm on the table and looked me in the eye"

"Come on Mel, show me how. I want to know why the hell do you do that" he smirked

"Um haha I don't know I just do" but j sucked it up and showed him. "Honestly this is the weirdest thing ever, but whatever. You kind of just pout your lips like you ate something sour. And then you you switch it to whatever side, kind of like gargling"

While Andrew was trying this out there was only one place I could focus. His lips. But then they suddenly stopped. And he spoke. And I panicked a little inside. He had caught me and I couldn't save myself.

"I want to kiss you." He spoke up.

This made me snap my head up.

"I'm sor-.."

"It's okay. Like I said, I want to kiss you too."

He grabbed ahold of my hand and the other caressed my cheek. He leaned forward slowly. It felt like a life time before his lips landed on mine. We kissed for what felt like a while. And when I pulled back he leaned in. We had a full makeup out session going on but it had to stop.

"Wait...stop please..."

"What's wrong ? " he asked concerned

"I don't know you...well I know you but I don't. Not well enough." I admitted

"You don't know me ? Melanie, I've known you since high school" he said looking so shocked

"No, you didn't KNOW me in high school, maybe know OF me ,but you just SAW me. Other than that I don't know much. "

"So what are you saying? You didn't mean to kiss me ?"

"You kissed me actually "

"And you kissed back ! It takes two !" He yelled.

"Shhhhh" said some other people that were in the library.

Andrews POV

I was getting so frustrated. I don't know if she wanted to kiss me or if she didn't. I don't know if she liked me or she didn't. I don't even fucking know why I even tried.

She stopped and looked at me and her eyes started to water. She stood up and looked down to gather all her things together.

"I can finish the rest of the project myself. You done enough on your part, I'll see you in class. "

"Where are you going ? " I asked her

She didn't respond and continued walking to the door after she left, I realized how big of a jackass I am. I gathered all my things and left the library. I looked around to see if I saw her and when I did I felt terrible. She was at a picnic table quite a distance in the dark but a street light let me see some of her. She was crying and blowing her nose. I was about to make my way over to her but stopped when her phone rang. She looked at it and sighed but didn't answer. She got up and started walking.

I didn't know if I should go talk to her or just head to my brothers house. If she wants to talk to me she'll let me know. And like she said "I'll see you in class" . But I didn't wanna leave her alone at night. I got in my truck and pulled up slowly behind her pressing the gas slowly.

"It's late Melanie. " she kept walking without saying a word.

"Can you please get in do I can drive you home." No response

"Melanie get in the fucking truck before someone tries to kidnap you or some dumb shit like that. "

She stopped and turned to me and walked to the passenger side door, opened it and got in. Then she slapped me.

"Don't ever in your god forsaken life curse at me or talk to me like that again. You got that?!" She screamed

"What the hell...I'm sorry okay. I just really don't want you getting hurt."

"Well that's funny. Because that's what you did earlier. Can you please just drive me to my dorm,I'd really appreciate it. "


Authors Note :

I'm so freaking new to this writing. Sort of, I haven't told you much about me but I'm Amari, I'm 17 and a junior in high school. (Hope many can relate). I honestly love reading and playing. Even though I'm 17 I'm like a little kid inside (still mature). I love meeting new people and learning new languages and currently I'm learning Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian and Norwegian. Which is easier than I thought it would be. I use this app called duolingo and it you ever download it you may add me if you want. My username is Mari33920. And I have tumblr and Kik and ummmmm Instagram lol (amari.n) but I love you guys before I get a chance to talk to you. Byeeeeeeeee 😘🦄

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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