Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up in a hospital bed, with tears in my eyes. I looked around the room, to see nobody present.

They are probably with Gemma still. Oh, Gemma, she's only have months to live! I cried harder, trying to get up from the bed.

I didn't have any needles in me,I was just in a gown. So, I tried to get up, and when I did, I stood up, but my eyes got blurry from the sudden movement and I sat back down. I groan.

" Why! I just want to see Gemma!." I screamed at nothing.

I put my head in my hands, an cried. Cry for Gemma, crying for can't even getting up.

At that moment the noise of the swish of the door opening, caught my attention. I looked up to see Harry.

Why the hell isn't he with Gemma?

"Why aren't you with her, Harry don't worry about me, I just fainted."

He looked at me, with red puffy eyes. Though, there was still a couple of tears falling from the glowing green.

" I was with her two days, I wanted to stay more, but she had me check on you, she was really worried."

He wiped his tears with his shirt, then walk towards the bed to sit down. He then grabbed me unexpectedly in a hug.

" Kindra, I don't know what the hell is going on. It's not real, I need her to be okay. She can't be sick, she just can't. He cries.

In the month that I've known him, I always thought that nothing can break him, that he was solid no emotion because of how he was.

But, now when I see him broken in pieces, for the love he has for his sister. It's heartbreaking to see him like this.

As I hug him, it feels surreal, he was starting to show, but not in a good way. Gemma's sickness changed him like this. He had emotions that were sad, and it should, because he didn't want nothing to happen with his family, but this tragedy had happened breakimg him up more.

I cried in his shoulder. If she dies, I don't know what Harry would do. Gemma was there for him.

" Kindra, if she leaves, I'll have nobody around here. Sure my parents but not all the time, Oh! Kindra, I don't want Gemma to leave, I don't want her to go!"

He grabs tighter on me, both of us crying for Gemma. I was going to be here for him, I had too, my gut told me to, its the right thing to do.

" Harry, I'll be here for you. I won't leave you alone." I said to his ear.

He looked at me. He sniffled. Before putting my head under his chin as he rubbed my shoulder.

" You promised Kindra. You'll promise me you'll be my side?"

I glanced at him, before nodding.

" Yes. Harry I promise."

He then did something I wasn't indeed ready for at all.

He brought his lips to mine, kissing me, as I was hesitant at first, but then I kissed him back, it was a few seconds of kissing before he got up, brought me up with him, and both of us heading to Gemma's room.

:' -( =-O :-( :' -( :-[ :-\ :'(

School was complete shit.

I was mopping all day, for one knowing Gemma had to stay in the hospital.

I got to my dorm. I haven't seen Harry all day. Which was weird, because I called Gemma and she said she hasn't seen him at the hospital.

And second. The kiss. I mean I just can't forget it, because that was my first kiss.

Harry was my first kiss.

I got to my final class I had that day, which had both Niall and Athena in the class. I sat down by Niall. Athena wax currently talking to the teacher about the next homework assignment.

"Kindra?" I heard Niall asked.

" Huh?" I replied.

He sighed and wrapped his arm around me, I let him, I just didn't feel right today at all.

Athena came back, and brought us the assignment. We worked in silence, none of us talked.

When it was time to go I gave then both a hug and said goodbye. Only Niall kissed me on the forehead before walking away.

I head to my dorm. As I got closer I saw someone sitting outside of the door. When I got closer the person became recognizable. After all day he was missing he showed up at the front of my door.

" Harry?" I asked him confusingly.

He looked up and smiled be fire standing up, then grab me in for a hug, and peck my lips quickly.

" I want to take you somewhere." He said as he walked in with me in the dorm.

I dropped my bag off, and before I thought of going anywhere, I told him I needed to change, and call Gemma.

This was my routine. I call Gemma in the morning, at lunch, and after class, and before I go to bed. I just want her to know I'm here for her.

After the phone call, saying she we fine, and that the doctor was with treating her now, I said goodbye, and handed my phone to Harry so he could talk to her quick.

As he did that, I walked into the bathroom dressing in my favorite sweat pants, and a sweater of the university name on it, then putting my head in a bun, and put uggs on.

I walked out of the bathroom seeing Harry had finished his phone call.

" Ready to go?"

I nodded before stopping abruptly.

" Harry, where are you actually taking me" I asked him.

He just smiled then said.

" For a ride."

A/N Chapter 8

Is fucking emotional man.

*tears, cries, uncontrollably*





Ughh, this story is going to have all of us fucked up.

Eh. Doubt it.

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Do you want Niall and Harry and Athena to have this love triangle thing.


Have Niall fall for Athena.








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