Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23

Kindra's P.O.V

I know it was quite sometime before Louis would come back up to check on me. But I couldn't believe in the fact, that Harry was here, and that really I didn't even want him to leave to just hide.

Though Harry had a plan, and that I mostly was going through it to have Louis out of my life, even though I got part of him growing in my stomach. Harry's plan was very well explained though I was very confused on by what the meaning behind it was.

He told me, that Harry was going to tell Louis about an apology though I have no idea on what he was talking about. When I asked him he said later, that right how we don't have time. Louis would be coming in a few moments no doubt, he said he just had to take a shower quick and he'll be right up.

Harry and I was now waiting.

Harry said he was going to stay by the door, hidden when Louis walks in, then he going to shut the door, and lock it before Louis could escape. Then, he would tell Louis his apology, and how that would be his weakness. He told me Louis might give him a chance into forgive him for something Harry had did in the past but was a accident.

We heard footsteps coming up. Harry quickly ran to the side of the wall by the door. I made myself comfy on my bed waiting for when Louis would walk in. The doornob turned the Louis walked in.

"Hey how abou-" before he could even finish his sentence the door was being slam shut by Harry, and the door locked, while Harry blocked the entrance way. Louis gaped in utter surprise.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Louis growled at Harry.

Harry only tilts his head to the side. " I have something to say that I should've said along time ago, though never come to it, because you never gave me a chance."

Louis was about to protest, though changed his mind. He finally caught on to what Harry was talking about. I sat here, looking at Harry curiously, because I had no idea what this was about. Though Louis stood up straight. Thinking about it.

Louis P.O.V

Was he crazy? Finally after all this time, he still won't give up. He did something in the past, that I couldn't ever forgive him for.

Harry killed my mother and my sisters, when I was 16.


"Harry! Come on lad, we are going to be late!" I yelled at my 14 year old friend.

Harry was currently running around chasing my sister as we were playing Chase. He finally got to my sister, telling her she was it, then turned and ran towards to me.

"I don't see why we gotta go to this thing man, I mean it's just another dinner party." Harry sighed as he kicked at the ground, putting his hands in his pocket.

I chuckled. " Dude, did you forget? The dinner party is for me. Father said he was going to give me his company in a couple years. Can't you be happy, for me?"

Harry scratched his head, to think on it then smiled. "Fine. Lets go."

We both ran towards the house. The Styles were already here, with Harry's suit and tie, the party was in less in a hour, and we all still had to get ready. The whole family was all set. We all got into our separate car and headed off to the dinner party.

After the dinner party...

"Well that was some dinner." I said as I hold on to my stomach."

"I agree." Harry said. We were walking to with our parents to the car.

I suddenly have a great idea. I whispered something into Harry's ear. His eyes got big with excitement, before nodding frantically. I smiled hugely as we both ran to each of our parents.

"Mum can Harry stay over tonight?" I asked nicely. My mother looked at my father, he shrugged. "Okay, Lou but he needs permission first, before he can, we will wait in the car." She smiled and she, my father and sisters walked to the car.

Just then Harry ran over. " I can! Louis lets go!" He laughed. As we both ran to the car.

We were in the car playing a game. We were laughing continuously. My mother had said to be quiet a couple times, but the game was just all to fun. When the game was getting to point where, Harry had to get out of the seatbelt, though still hooked on it, from his foot, to get the ball. I told him to just leave it, that we will get it later, but he ignored me completely. He then tripped over as I expected, pushing my father over.

My father lost hold of the steering wheel. But, before he could get a hold of it, a car zoomed past us, hitting the corner of the car. We spin all around, finally smashing into a tree.

Surprisingly, Harry, father, and myself survived. Though my mother and sisters died on impact.

I never forgave Harry after that, no matter how much he had a apologize and now I'm here for my revenge, to get him back for killing my loving mother, and my innocent sisters.

End of flash back..

I looked at Harry in anger. I couldn't forgive him. He's the reason I get so angry. Knowing I had to become better then anyone. I started that dope business just for extra cash. I knew I had to be bad to be on top to make Harry hurt.

Harry's P.O.V

I knew from Louis's face that he wasn't going to forgive me, I did kill his mother and sisters, but it was an accident. Though knowing I should've just stayed in my seat that day none of this could've happen.

The door I opened behind me. Three men came in taking a hold of me, but I jerk them off.

"I'll leave once I get Kindra back. Louis think about this. I'm sorry. Okay I'm sorry about your mum, I'm sorry about your sisters. Rememeber all those fun times we had?"

Louis didn't even acknowledge me, flicking his wrist, the men pulled me out, I didn't fight this time. If he wasn't going to accept my apology fine. But now I got another plan.

To bring him down. I'll need my buddy Liam to help me. This one is going to work.

A/N: Chapter 23


Now you know Louis's revenge.

I have no internet before posting this. So, I apologize for not updating or being on wattpad at all.

Vote and comment please.


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