Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

As Harry walked in, I couldn't help but think of what he wants to talk about. I mean, at least, I didn't want to think about it. I know it's about that night.

He sat down on Gemma's bed and then gestured for me to sit down. I shook my head. I didn't want to sit down at all, because of the awkwardness, so I just leaned against the wall, with my arms crossed.

He sighed then looked at his rings on his fingers. He then looked back up to look at me then he cleared his throat.

" I want to...apologize, I shouldn't have freaked out on you liked that. It had nothing to do to you. I just...was mad.. and I guess I have problems with controlling myself when I'm angry. I'm sorry." He said.

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows. To be honest, I really don't want to accept his apology. He was really mean, and he shouldn't have just freaked out liked that. It just hurts. It seems so far that when I'm around, I'm always his trouble in the end. I fell like I should just give him some space.

I sucked in some air, and let it
out slowly as I prepared myself for what I'm going to say to him.

" Harry, I just don't want to accept it right now. I..just want a break for right now, I just can't take it when you throw it on me after your problem. I just don't want to be your constant problem, because that's how I feel it going to be."

He started to protest.

"No, Kindra that's not it at all! Its ju-."

I cut him off.

"IT'S ME HARRY I KNOW IT IS, IF WE KEEP THIS GOING..-" I then hiccup as a tear fell down. -" its just going to get worse, you are hiding something, and I just don't want to deal with it. I'm not going to interfere anymore, or to help, because it's hurting me. So it's done Harry. It's over."

I looked at him, tears running down my face. He then started to shake in anger, his hands turned into into fist. He stood up walked over and punched the wall beside me, then grab at his hair with his hands.

"Ugh! Damnet!" He screamed as he feel to the ground in his knees.

"Kindra don't do this. Please don't." He looked up from the ground tears in his eyes.

I just ignored it, and signaled him towards the door.

He got up slowly, without taking his eyes off me. Those fucking beautiful tearful eyes.

"Fine, I'll go. But it's just starting Kindra, I'll get you back." He then walked to the door, opening it, he step out, though he turned around to glance at me one more before walking out, shutting the door behind him.


I walked to first class, I just didn't feel good at all. Is this just my one emotion now that I'm going to feel in my start of college?

Niall texted me this morning that he is going to ditch class, because Athena was sick so he's staying with her. I didn't know she was sick, and I felt bad, but she texted me, saying it's just a fever and a cold, and she'll get better soon.

I was having trouble listening to the the teacher the whole time, my fucking mind wants to be everywhere.

I decided to just give up. I got up and walked out of the classroom, to use the bathroom.

I got to the girls bathroom, before going the sink, I looked at myself. I looked like shit, from all that crying last night.

Damn you Harry.

I turned the faucet on and splashed some cold water on my face. I grabbed a paper towel then rub my face dry. It looked somewhat better.

I walked out of the bathroom. Everyone was walking out the classrooms to their next class, so I headed off to mine. As I turned the corner, I saw the person who I wanted to avoid, so I tried to ignore him when passing, but my eyes failed me, when I looked at him. He was already looking at me, we locked eyes as we passed each other. I then broke it, and started walking faster to my next class.

The rest of the day was the same, miserable.

And one thing that was really pissing me off also.

Everywhere I fucking go. Harry would be there. Staring. At lunch, through the halls. He just stared and he wouldn't break his gaze at all.

I walked to my dorm. I was going to call Gemma as soon as I get there. To my luck Harry was no where near, and I was glad. I opened the door and walked in

Dropping my bag on my bed. I flopped into it, and grab my phone.

I dialled Gemma number, but got a voicemail. I tried again this time, she picked up, but it wasn't her. It was Harry.

"Hello, Kindra?" He said.

I froze not wanting to talk. I can just call her later. I hung my phone up.

I sighed as I grab my homework out of my bag, and started to worm on it, after a few minutes. My phone buzzed.

Gemma- sorry babe, I heard about Harry and you. We'll talk later, the doctors are talking to me right now. Love you :)

I replied with 'Okay' and 'love you too' back. I put my phone up and continued with my homework.

I finished all my homework surprisingly, when there was a knock on the door.

I walked over to the door, and opening it. It was my mother. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Hey baby, just had to see how your doing, I missed you." She said, as she hugged me tighter.

"Miss you to mom." I replied. We let go and we both sat down on my bed.

" So, I have something to say, but just don't freak out okay."

I looked at my mom in curiosity then nodded.

"So, you know my boss Mr. Tomlinson. Well, it's the first time that I ever told you this, but in honesty. He's only a couple years older than you."

I raised in eyebrow. Really?

" I know it's weird, but his family owns the business, and father just passed down to him at 18, which let me tell you, that has to deal with you."

I looked at her weirdly then said.

"Why is this dealing with me?"

My mother smiled hugely.

"He wants to go out with you!"


A/N Chapter 11

Omg, Louis Tomlinson wants to go out with Kindra.


Whale thenn....


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I better see some of dem comments -.-


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